Python version: 3.8
The following python packages are required
- numpy
- openCV
- imutils
- time
- tensorflow/keras
- either "planetaryimage" (slow) or NASA PDS transform (Java, fast)(
The source can be found in the "src" folder. The data is saved into the "data" folder.
"" can be used to download the PDS3 images into the "data/CTX/BATCHNUMBER/PDS3/" folder.
"" (planetaryimage) OR "" (NASA PDS transform) can be used to convert PDS3 images to numpy (Folder: "data/CTX/BATCHNUMBER/NPY/").
"" can be used to view the converted numpy images.
"" can be used to slice the numpy images into patches (Folder: "data/patches_PATCHSIZE"), used for training.
"" loads image patches applies histogram equalization on them (Folder: "data/patches_his_PATCHSIZE").
"" loads image patches applies the OpenCV canny filter on them (Folder: "data/patches_Canny_PATCHSIZE").
"" can be used to view the created patches.
"" can be used to train a model with the created patches. The model is saved to "data/models/".
"" can be used to evaluate an batch of images with a selected model.
"" can be used to visualize an image (Original image, e.g. histogram equalization input, reconstruction image and MSE image).