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ODATA-1605 (#108)
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* Only allowed types for keys

* ODATA-1540

* Plus in URL needs percent-encoding

* Update odata-abnf-construction-rules.txt

* Update odata-abnf-construction-rules.txt

* Update odata-abnf-construction-rules.txt

* Update odata-abnf-construction-rules.txt

* enumLiteral and enumValue

* Errata: don't remove features
  • Loading branch information
ralfhandl authored Dec 6, 2023
1 parent 9d42aa7 commit ec5bb49
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Showing 2 changed files with 198 additions and 130 deletions.
145 changes: 81 additions & 64 deletions abnf/odata-abnf-construction-rules.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,10 +124,23 @@ keyPredicate = simpleKey / compoundKey / keyPathSegments
simpleKey = OPEN ( parameterAlias / keyPropertyValue ) CLOSE
compoundKey = OPEN keyValuePair *( COMMA keyValuePair ) CLOSE
keyValuePair = ( primitiveKeyProperty / keyPropertyAlias ) EQ ( parameterAlias / keyPropertyValue )
keyPropertyValue = primitiveLiteral
keyPropertyAlias = odataIdentifier
keyPathSegments = 1*( "/" keyPathLiteral )
keyPathLiteral = *pchar
keyPropertyValue = boolean
/ guid
/ dateTimeOffsetLiteral
/ date
/ timeOfDayLiteral
/ decimalLiteral
/ sbyteLiteral
/ byte
/ int16Literal
/ int32Literal
/ int64Literal
/ stringLiteral
/ durationLiteral
/ enumLiteral

singleNavigation = singleNavPath
/ "/" optionallyQualifiedEntityTypeName [ singleNavPath ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -327,7 +340,7 @@ format = ( "$format" / "format" ) EQ
) ; format specific to the specific data service> or
; <An IANA-defined [IANA-MMT] content type>

inlinecount = ( "$count" / "count" ) EQ booleanValue
inlinecount = ( "$count" / "count" ) EQ boolean

schemaversion = ( "$schemaversion" / "schemaversion" ) EQ ( STAR / 1*unreserved )

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -685,7 +698,7 @@ gtExpr = RWS "gt" RWS commonExpr
geExpr = RWS "ge" RWS commonExpr
inExpr = RWS "in" RWS ( listExpr / commonExpr )

hasExpr = RWS "has" RWS enum
hasExpr = RWS "has" RWS enumLiteral

addExpr = RWS "add" RWS commonExpr
subExpr = RWS "sub" RWS commonExpr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -876,24 +889,24 @@ primitiveColFunctionImport = odataIdentifier

; in URLs
primitiveLiteral = nullValue ; plain values up to int64Value
/ booleanValue
/ guidValue
/ dateTimeOffsetValueInUrl
/ dateValue
/ timeOfDayValueInUrl
/ decimalValue
/ doubleValue
/ singleValue
/ sbyteValue
/ byteValue
/ int16Value
/ int32Value
/ int64Value
/ string ; single-quoted
/ duration
/ enum
/ binary ; all others are quoted and prefixed
primitiveLiteral = null
/ boolean
/ guid
/ dateTimeOffsetLiteral
/ date
/ timeOfDayLiteral
/ decimalLiteral
/ doubleLiteral
/ singleLiteral
/ sbyteLiteral
/ byte
/ int16Literal
/ int32Literal
/ int64Literal
/ stringLiteral
/ durationLiteral
/ enumLiteral
/ binaryLiteral
/ geographyCollection
/ geographyLineString
/ geographyMultiLineString
Expand All @@ -909,12 +922,12 @@ primitiveLiteral = nullValue ; plain values up to int64Value
/ geometryPoint
/ geometryPolygon

; in Atom and JSON message bodies and CSDL DefaultValue attributes
primitiveValue = booleanValue
/ guidValue
; in CSDL XML DefaultValue attributes
primitiveValue = boolean
/ guid
/ durationValue
/ dateTimeOffsetValue
/ dateValue
/ date
/ timeOfDayValue
/ enumValue
/ fullCollectionLiteral
Expand All @@ -928,54 +941,58 @@ primitiveValue = booleanValue
/ doubleValue
/ singleValue
/ sbyteValue
/ byteValue
/ byte
/ int16Value
/ int32Value
/ int64Value
/ binaryValue
; also valid are:
; - any XML string for strings in Atom and CSDL documents
; - any JSON string for JSON documents

nullValue = %s"null"
null = %s"null"

; base64url encoding according to
binary = "binary" SQUOTE binaryValue SQUOTE
binaryValue = *(4base64char) [ base64b16 / base64b8 ]
base64b16 = 2base64char ( %s"A" / %s"E" / %s"I" / %s"M" / %s"Q" / %s"U" / %s"Y" / %s"c" / %s"g" / %s"k" / %s"o" / %s"s" / %s"w" / %s"0" / %s"4" / %s"8" ) [ "=" ]
base64b8 = base64char ( %s"A" / %s"Q" / %s"g" / %s"w" ) [ "==" ]
base64char = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "_"

booleanValue = "true" / "false"

decimalValue = [ SIGN ] 1*DIGIT [ "." 1*DIGIT ] [ "e" [ SIGN ] 1*DIGIT ] / nanInfinity
doubleValue = decimalValue ; IEEE 754 binary64 floating-point number (15-17 decimal digits)
singleValue = decimalValue ; IEEE 754 binary32 floating-point number (6-9 decimal digits)
nanInfinity = %s"NaN" / %s"-INF" / %s"INF"

guidValue = 8HEXDIG "-" 4HEXDIG "-" 4HEXDIG "-" 4HEXDIG "-" 12HEXDIG

byteValue = 1*3DIGIT ; numbers in the range from 0 to 255
sbyteValue = [ SIGN ] 1*3DIGIT ; numbers in the range from -128 to 127
int16Value = [ SIGN ] 1*5DIGIT ; numbers in the range from -32768 to 32767
int32Value = [ SIGN ] 1*10DIGIT ; numbers in the range from -2147483648 to 2147483647
int64Value = [ SIGN ] 1*19DIGIT ; numbers in the range from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807

string = SQUOTE *( SQUOTE-in-string / pchar-no-SQUOTE ) SQUOTE
binaryLiteral = "binary" SQUOTE binaryValue SQUOTE
binaryValue = *(4base64char) [ base64b16 / base64b8 ]
base64b16 = 2base64char ( %s"A" / %s"E" / %s"I" / %s"M" / %s"Q" / %s"U" / %s"Y" / %s"c" / %s"g" / %s"k" / %s"o" / %s"s" / %s"w" / %s"0" / %s"4" / %s"8" ) [ "=" ]
base64b8 = base64char ( %s"A" / %s"Q" / %s"g" / %s"w" ) [ "==" ]
base64char = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "_"

boolean = "true" / "false"

decimalLiteral = [ SIGN ] 1*DIGIT [ "." 1*DIGIT ] [ "e" [ SIGN ] 1*DIGIT ] / nanInfinity
decimalValue = ["+"/"-"] 1*DIGIT [ "." 1*DIGIT ] [ "e" ["+"/"-"] 1*DIGIT ] / nanInfinity
doubleLiteral = decimalLiteral ; IEEE 754 binary64 floating-point number (15-17 decimal digits)
doubleValue = decimalValue ; IEEE 754 binary64 floating-point number (15-17 decimal digits)
singleLiteral = decimalLiteral ; IEEE 754 binary32 floating-point number (6-9 decimal digits)
singleValue = decimalValue ; IEEE 754 binary32 floating-point number (6-9 decimal digits)
nanInfinity = %s"NaN" / %s"-INF" / %s"INF"

guid = 8HEXDIG "-" 4HEXDIG "-" 4HEXDIG "-" 4HEXDIG "-" 12HEXDIG

byte = 1*3DIGIT ; numbers in the range from 0 to 255
sbyteLiteral = [ SIGN ] 1*3DIGIT ; numbers in the range from -128 to 127
sbyteValue = ["+"/"-"] 1*3DIGIT ; numbers in the range from -128 to 127
int16Literal = [ SIGN ] 1*5DIGIT ; numbers in the range from -32768 to 32767
int16Value = ["+"/"-"] 1*5DIGIT ; numbers in the range from -32768 to 32767
int32Literal = [ SIGN ] 1*10DIGIT ; numbers in the range from -2147483648 to 2147483647
int32Value = ["+"/"-"] 1*10DIGIT ; numbers in the range from -2147483648 to 2147483647
int64Literal = [ SIGN ] 1*19DIGIT ; numbers in the range from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807
int64Value = ["+"/"-"] 1*19DIGIT ; numbers in the range from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807

stringLiteral = SQUOTE *( SQUOTE-in-string / pchar-no-SQUOTE ) SQUOTE
SQUOTE-in-string = SQUOTE SQUOTE ; two consecutive single quotes represent one within a string literal

dateValue = year "-" month "-" day
date = year "-" month "-" day

dateTimeOffsetValue = year "-" month "-" day "T" timeOfDayValue ( "Z" / SIGN hour ":" minute )
dateTimeOffsetValueInUrl = year "-" month "-" day "T" timeOfDayValueInUrl ( "Z" / SIGN hour COLON minute )
dateTimeOffsetLiteral = date "T" timeOfDayLiteral ( "Z" / SIGN hour COLON minute )
dateTimeOffsetValue = date "T" timeOfDayValue ( "Z" / ("+"/"-") hour ":" minute )

duration = [ "duration" ] SQUOTE durationValue SQUOTE
durationValue = [ SIGN ] "P" [ 1*DIGIT "D" ] [ "T" [ 1*DIGIT "H" ] [ 1*DIGIT "M" ] [ 1*DIGIT [ "." 1*DIGIT ] "S" ] ]
durationLiteral = [ "duration" ] SQUOTE durationValue SQUOTE
durationValue = [ "-" ] "P" [ 1*DIGIT "D" ] [ "T" [ 1*DIGIT "H" ] [ 1*DIGIT "M" ] [ 1*DIGIT [ "." 1*DIGIT ] "S" ] ]
; the above is an approximation of the rules for an xml dayTimeDuration.
; see the lexical representation for dayTimeDuration in for more information

timeOfDayValue = hour ":" minute [ ":" second [ "." fractionalSeconds ] ]
timeOfDayValueInUrl = hour COLON minute [ COLON second [ "." fractionalSeconds ] ]
timeOfDayLiteral = hour COLON minute [ COLON second [ "." fractionalSeconds ] ]
timeOfDayValue = hour ":" minute [ ":" second [ "." fractionalSeconds ] ]

oneToNine = "1" / "2" / "3" / "4" / "5" / "6" / "7" / "8" / "9"
zeroToFiftyNine = ( "0" / "1" / "2" / "3" / "4" / "5" ) DIGIT
Expand All @@ -991,10 +1008,10 @@ minute = zeroToFiftyNine
second = zeroToFiftyNine / "60" ; for leap seconds
fractionalSeconds = 1*12DIGIT

enum = [ qualifiedEnumTypeName ] SQUOTE enumValue SQUOTE
enumValue = singleEnumValue *( COMMA singleEnumValue )
singleEnumValue = enumerationMember / enumMemberValue
enumMemberValue = int64Value
enumLiteral = [ qualifiedEnumTypeName ] SQUOTE singleEnumLiteral *( COMMA singleEnumLiteral ) SQUOTE
singleEnumLiteral = enumerationMember / int64Literal
enumValue = singleEnumValue *( "," singleEnumValue )
singleEnumValue = enumerationMember / int64Value

geographyCollection = geographyPrefix SQUOTE fullCollectionLiteral SQUOTE
fullCollectionLiteral = sridLiteral collectionLiteral
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1096,7 +1113,7 @@ allowEntityReferencesPreference = [ "odata." ] "allow-entityreferences"

callbackPreference = [ "odata." ] "callback" OWS ";" OWS "url" EQ-h DQUOTE URI DQUOTE

continueOnErrorPreference = [ "odata." ] "continue-on-error" [ EQ-h booleanValue ]
continueOnErrorPreference = [ "odata." ] "continue-on-error" [ EQ-h boolean ]

includeAnnotationsPreference = [ "odata." ] "include-annotations" EQ-h DQUOTE annotationsList DQUOTE
annotationsList = annotationIdentifier *("," annotationIdentifier)
Expand Down

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