This repository is one of the three repositories used for the voices-to-emotions project. You can find more information about this project here.
This is the audio api for voices to emotions. Responsible for upload, generating mfcc and uploading audio files.
You can find the other repositories here:
Storage Trigger (GCP): The Storage Trigger is a function that triggers automatically whenever a file is dropped in the calldata bucket on Google Cloud.
Mfcc (GCP) [POST]: An HTTP endpoint that generates mfcc data from an audio file, the audio file should be a url. This function takes in a uri
query parameter with the uri of the audio fragment.
/api/upload (GCP) [POST]: An HTTP endpoint that takes in an audio file and drops it into the storage bucket. This function takes in multipart form data with an audio
entry, which is an audio file and a user_id
entry which is the target user’s id.