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Q Table Build Status

Maintainer: Danijel Beljan

Q Table is one tool of the Q toolbox to create tables. Test it in the demo.

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git clone [email protected]:nzzdev/Q-table.git
cd ./Q-table
nvm use
npm install
npm run build

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Start the Q dev server:

npx @nzz/q-cli server

Run the Q tool (DEV Mode):

npm run start

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The testing framework used in this repository is Code.

Run the tests:

npm run test

Implementing a new test

When changing or implementing...

  • A route, it needs to be tested in the e2e-tests.js file
  • Something on the frontend, it needs to be tested in the dom-tests.js file

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We provide automatically built docker images. There are three options for deployment:

  • Use the provided images
  • Build your own docker images
  • Deploy the service using another technology

Use the provided docker images

  1. Deploy nzzonline/q-table to a docker environment

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The tool structure follows the general structure of each Q tool. Further information can be found in Q server documentation - Developing tools.

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Footnotes are a feature to display annotations in the table and the sources in the footer of the table. It uses the metaData feature of Q-Editor. Footnotes with the same text will be merged together.

Implementation details serverside
  • The function getFootnotes() will filter and sort all footnotes from Additional the data will be transitioned, that there will be listed only unique footnotes, with an array of coordinates, where the footnote will be placed. The function will always return an object, when not used the object will be empty.
  • Those footnotes will then be passed to the function getTableData()
  • Once the tableData is adjusted in getTableData(), there's a check if footnotes are set
  • If there are footnotes, they will be passed to the function appendFootnoteAnnotationsToTableData() along with tableData and options
  • In appendFootnoteAnnotationsToTableData() the footnoteClass will be calculated and determined if extra spacing is used or not
  • Before appending the footnotes to the tableData, the footnotes array will be flattened and prepared to ease to complexity.
  • This is the matrix how we apply spacing classes to the cell
  • Because the title in the Card-Layout is already set by the ::before pseudo element, it's not possible to apply the annotation with this selector as well. Therefore we have to add the unicode to the dataset data-label when the Card-Layout is set so we map the footnote annoation value to the unicode. Important: The mapping of the value is from 1 to 9.
  • After applying the annotations to the tableData, the function appendFootnoteAnnotationsToTableData() should return an object like this:
      type: "numeric",
      value: "Rank",
      classes: [],
      footnote: {
        value: 1,
        unicode: "¹",
        class: null,
      type: "numeric",
      value: "3",
      classes: ["q-table-footnote-col-cardlayout-single"],
      footnote: {
        value: 2,
        unicode: "²",
        class: null,
Implementation details frontend

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This options allows to hide the header of each column. By default it's false

Implementation details

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This option allows to show or hide the table search feature. The option is only available, when there are more than 16 rows in the table. Default value is false.

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Card-Layout is an option to display large tables well-arranged on mobile. There are 2 options to use it:

  • Only show the Card-Layout in the mobile view
  • Show the Card-Layout in every view
Implementation details
  • The Card-Layout renderingInfoScript contains an EventListener on the event resize which calculates the current size of the graphic
  • When the graphic is smaller than 400px, the renderingInfoScript applyCardLayoutClassFunction adds the class q-table--card-layout to the dataObject and replaces all its styles
  • The column headers will then be hidden and each cell will display the ::before :pseudo element containing its column header (e.g. Header1)

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Minibars are a visual feature to display the difference between numbers in the table. Minibars are only useable on numeric columns. We decided not to support minibars in the Card-Layout because of [visual issues](
Implementation details serverside
  • The option-availability route will check if there are at least 3 columns and check if at least one if them is numeric
  • Once the option will be shown, the dynamic-schema route will read all numeric columns and display them in the option
  • Important: The function getMinibarContext() will always return an object, when minibars aren't used the object is empty
  • The function getMinibarContext() uses a copy of since the data will be altered
  • If minibars will be used, the function getMinibarData() with the parameters data and minibarOptions will be called
  • The function then calls getMinibarNumbersWithType() will set the type of the minibar and prepare the data to be calculated
  • The table can have 3 types: positive when there positive numbers only, negative when there are negative numbers only or mixed when the numbers are positive and negative numbers in the column
  • The cell can have 3 types: positive, when the cell contains a positive number, negative when the cell contains a negative number or empty when there's no content in the cell
  • The function getMinibarValue() then calculates the length of the minibar based on the type of the table and max-value of the selected column
  • Then the color of the minibars will be adjusted. By default the sophie-colors s-viz-color-diverging-2-2 for positive and s-viz-color-diverging-2-1 for negative colors will be used. If the user has the role poweruser, he can set the colors by himself. One way by the className of the sophie-colors or the colorCode which are simple hex codes of colors
  • In the end the getMinibarContext() function will return an object like this:
  values: [
    {type:"empty", value:0},
    {type:"negative", value:7.142857142857143},
    {type:"positive", value:14.285714285714286},
  barColor: {
    positive:{className:"s-viz-color-diverging-2-2", colorCode:""},
    negative:{className:"s-viz-color-diverging-2-1", colorCode:""}
Implementation details frontend
  • There are 3 different files for displaying minibars: minibar-positive.html, minibar-negative.html and minibar-mixed.html
  • Positive will display the value first and then the minibar. Both as a td-element
  • Negative will display the minibar first and then the value. Both as a td-element
  • Mixed will display the value and the minibar inside the td as a div-element but in the same order as listed above
  • When resizing the graphic, the EventLister on the event resize implemented in the getCardLayoutScript() will be triggered
  • When the graphic is smaller than 400px, the renderingInfoScript renderMinibarsFunction() will be called inside the EventListener listed above
  • The function renderMinibarsFunction() then loads the elements of the column selectedColumn and minibarColumn which then will passed to the function handleMinibarsMinWidthFunctionName()
  • The function handleMinibarsMinWidthFunctionName() then either removes or adds q-table-minibar-cell-mobile or q-table-minibar--mixed-mobile to the cell according to the type of the table which can be read out on the dataset data-minibar on each cell

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This feature allows to select a column and colorize it. There are two types:

  • numerical
  • categorical

When selecting the numerical option, the numbers inside the column will be split in buckets. Depending on the bucketType, the buckets will be calculated differently. This option will be displayed with columns containing numerical values only, otherwise an error will be displayed.


The label allows to select between three options:

  • noLabel (default)
  • average
  • median

This value will then be displayed on the legend.


There are four different buckets and each of it comes with it's own properties:

  • Ckmeans, numberBuckets
  • Quantile, numberBuckets
  • Equal, numberBuckets
  • Custom, , numberBuckets and customBuckets

The scale can be chosen from between two types:

  • sequential
  • diverging
Custom Color

When having the expert-role added, the user is able to adjust the colors of the buckets.

When selecting the diverging-option, the options from which border it will be spilt are dynamically listed too.


When selecting the categorical option, the values of the column will be mapped to categories. The categories will then be colored according to the color-scale.


The way the legend will be displayed is depending on the colorColumnType. When using numerical-option, the range of the values will be calculated by buckets, which can be changed on the options. The lowest and highest value will be displayed on the left and right end of the legend.

Depending on the selected bucketing method, the legend will be displayed differently. The array passed to render the legend looks as following:

buckets = [
        from, // lowest bucket border value
        to, // highest bucket border value
        color, // color depending on the selected color schema

If there's the case that one of the bucket has just a single value in it, the single bucket will be displayed below with a seperate icon. If there is an entry without a value, there will be an extra icon too, for displaying 'no data'.

The categorical legend will simply map the values to their colors.

Implementation details serverside
  • Just like the feature minibars, the option-availability route will check if there are at least 3 columns to display this option\
  • If the option is selected, through the dynamic-schema route, depending on which colorColumnType is selected, will display specific options
  • Important: The function getColorColumnContext() will always return an object, when minibars aren't used the object is empty
  • The function getColorColumnContext() uses three parameters: colorColumn(option), data(data from table) and width(content-width)
  • If the option is selected, the function getColorColumnContext() will always return this object
  categoricalOptions, // object
  colorColumnType, // string
  colors, // array
  legendData, // object
  numericalOptions, // object
  selectedColumn, // number
  • Depending on the selected colorColumnType, either numerical or categorical, some of the properties will be added
  • Important: The properties categoricalOptions and numericalOptions will always be an object, even if not selected
  • If selecting the colorColumnType numerical, the following properties will be added
  methodBox, // object
  formattedValue, // array
Implementation details frontend
  • Either numerical or categorical, both table-cells will be colored with the reference to the colors array
  • The legend will be displayed 100% on desktop and mobile, on fullwidth it will be displayed 640px (size of the text in article)
  • When resizing the graphic, the EventLister on the event resize implemented in the renderColorColumnNumericalLegend() will be triggered
  • The legend will then be resized according to the width

Display options

Display options can be set before embedding the graphic in the article.


Allows to hide the title

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Copyright (c) Neue Zürcher Zeitung. All rights reserved.

This software is published under the MIT license.

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