Marcus Nyeholt <marcus (at) silverstripe (dot) com (dot) au>
This module is licensed under the BSD license
- QueuedJobs module (
- Define cache config - use the caches.conf.sample file as a guide
- Add the SimpleCachePublisher extension to a publishable data type and publish your page.
- SimpleCacheControllerExtension
- SimpleCachePublisherExtension
- Change .htaccess to point to simplecache/frontend-cache.php instead of framework/main.php
- Works in a similar way to static publisher, but uses a cache abstraction layer to allow for storing cached data in memcache or apc, or other cache platform.
To use this module in a cache-on-request manner, please review the GitHub Wiki - in short
- create a {project}/caches.conf.php based on simplecache/caches.conf.php
- add appropriate _ss_environment.php configuration pointing at {project}/caches.conf.php
- update your .htaccess file with
RewriteRule .* simplecache/frontend-cache.php?url=%1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
- ensure the top level directories exist for the configured cache locations