@nuxt/content v2
After months of work we are finally officially releasing @nuxt/content v2.
This update main objective was to be fully compatible with Nuxt 3.
It also comes with new features and possibilities to discover:
, and other powerful new components- A Markdown syntax made for Vue components (MDC)
- Navigation generation
- Code highlighting with Shiki
In addition to all the current features from @nuxt/content v1:
- Powerful query builder (MongoDB like)
- Blazing fast hot module replacement in development
- Table of contents generation
- Queries into CSV, YAML and JSON(5) content
- Extend with hooks and content plugins
- ...and more
❤️ Thanks
This could not have been possible without the hard work from the @nuxt community!
A special thanks to @farnabaz, @atinux, @pi0, @danielroe, @clemcode who all closely contributed to this release.