!!! this module is work in progress !!!
cross-browser solidity compiler for the web
smaller and faster alternative to solc for browser-only environments
- JavaScript bindings for the solidity compiler
- Uses the emscripten compiled solidity found in the solc-bin repository
In nodejs you can instead use solc or solc-native
const solcjs = require('solc-js')
const list // can be:
// 1. [optional] URL to fetch compiler version list from custom url
// 2. or [optional] object of versions mapped to download urls for versions
const {
// @NOTE: if the solidity team indicates the following:
// @TODO: should we also allow for labels like?
// latest,
// next,
// stable,
all, // array of all versions
release, // array of all release versions only
nightly, // array of all nightly versions only
} = await solcjs.versions(list/* if undefined, uses internal DEFAULT `url` */)
var compiler
try {
const version = nightly[0]
compiler = await solcjs(version/*if undefined, uses latest release */)
const { name, url } = compiler.version
console.log(name) // name === nightly[0]
console.log(url) // e.g. https://.....
} catch (e) {
console.error('version not available')
// custom mechanism to import code used by solidity contracts
compiler.on(async import_url => await fetch(import_url))
// USE
const output1 = await compiler`...code...`
const output2 = await compiler(`...code...`)
// OR
const compileA = compiler`...code...`
const compileB = compiler(`...code...`)
const [outputA, outputB] = [await compileA, await compileB]
"abi": [{…}, {…}],
"contractName": "SimpleStorage",
"errors": [{…}],
"metadata": {compiler: {…}, language: "Solidity", output: {…}, settings: {…}, sources: {…}, …},
"success": true,
"version": "0.5.0+commit.1d4f565a"
feel free to make pull requests or file issues here