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The current recommended workflow for assembly and annotation of Arabidopsis from ONT reads is:

This pipeline is designed to annotate outputs from nf-arassembly. It takes a samplesheet of genome assemblies, intitial annotations (liftoff) and cDNA ONT Nanopore reads. If --short_reads is true it takes short reads instead of long cDNA.


To run the pipeline with a samplesheet on biohpc_gen with charliecloud:

git clone
nextflow run nf-annotate --samplesheet 'path/to/sample_sheet.csv' \
                          --out './results' \
                          -profile biohpc_gen


Parameter Effect
--samplesheet Path to samplesheet
--porechop Run porechop on the reads? (default: false)
--exclude_pattern Exclusion pattern for chromosome names (HRP, default ATMG, ignores mitochondrial genome)
--reference_name Reference name (for BLAST), default: Col-CEN
--reference_proteins Protein reference (defaults to Col-CEN); see known issues / blast below for additional information
--gene_id_pattern Regex to capture gene name in initial annoations. Default: ` "AT[1-5C]G[0-9]+.[0-9]+
--r_genes Run R-Gene prediction pipeline?, default: true
--augustus_species Species to for agustus, default: "arabidopsis"
--short_reads Provide this parametere if the transcriptome reads are short reads (see below). Default: false
--bamsortram Short-reads only: passed to STAR for --limitBAMsortRAM. Specifies RAM available for BAM sorting, in bytes. Default: 0
--min_contig_length minimum length of contigs to keep, default: 5000
--out Results directory, default: './results'


Samplesheet .csv with header:

Column Content
sample Name of the sample
genome_assembly Path to assembly fasta file
liftoff Path to liftoff annotations
reads Path to file containing cDNA reads

If --short_reads is used the samplesheet should look like:

Column Content
sample Name of the sample
genome_assembly Path to assembly fasta file
liftoff Path to liftoff annotations
pair true or false depending on whether the short reads are paired
shortread_F Path to forward reads
shortread_R Path to reverse reads

If there is only one type of read shortread_R should remain empty and paired should be false

NB: It is possible to mix paired and unpaired reads within one samplesheet, e.g. when performing annotation of many genomes with heterogenious data availability.

NB: It is not possible to mix long and short reads in a single samplesheet.


This pipeline will run the following subworkflows:

  • SUBSET_GENOMES: Subset to genome to params.min_contig_length
  • SUBSET_ANNOTATIONS: Subset input gff to contigs larger than params.min_contig_length
  • HRP: Run the homology based R-gene prediction
  • AB_INITIO: Perform ab initio predictions:
  • BAMBU (long cDNA reads): Run porechop (optional) on cDNA reads and align via minimap2 in splice:hq mode. Then run bambu
  • TRINITY (short cDNA reads): Run Trim Galore! on the short reads, followed by STAR for alignment and TRINITY for transcript discovery from the alignment.
  • PASA: Run the PASA pipeline on bambu output . This step starts by converting the bambu output (.gtf) by passing it through Subsequently transcripts are extracted (step PASA:AGAT_EXTRACT_TRANSCRIPTS). After running PASApipeline the coding regions are extracted via transdecoder as bundeld with pasa (pasa_asmbls_to_training_set.dbi)
  • EVIDENCE_MODELER: Take all outputs from above and the initial annotation (typically via liftoff) and run them through Evidence Modeler. The implementation of this was kind of tricky, it is currently parallelized in chunks via xargs -n${task.cpus} -P${task.cpus}. I assume that this is still faster than running it fully sequentially. This produces the final annotations, FUNCTIONAL only extends this with extra information in column 9 of the gff file.
  • GET_R_GENES: R-Genes (NLRs) are identified in the final annotations based on interproscan.
  • FUNCTIONAL: Create functional annotations based on BLAST against reference and interproscan-pfam. Produces protein fasta. Creates .gff and .gtf outputs. Also quantifies transcripts via bambu.
  • TRANSPOSONS: Annotate transposons using EDTA

The weights for EVidenceModeler are defined in assets/weights.tsv


The outputs will be put into params.out, defaulting to ./results. Inside the results folder, the outputs are structured according to the different subworkflows of the pipeline (workflow/subworkflow/process). All processess will emit their outputs to results. AGAT is used throughout this pipeline, hopefully ensuring consistent gff formating.


General Graph

%%{init: {'theme': 'dark', "flowchart" : { "curve" : "basis" } } }%%

graph TD;
    subgraph Prepare Genome
      gfasta>Genome Fasta] --> lfilt[Length filter];
      lfilt --o filtfasta>Filtered Genome]
      filtfasta --> pseqs[Protein sequences];
      ggff>Initial genome GFF] --> pseqs;

    subgraph abinitio[Ab initio annotation]

    filtfasta --> abinitio

    subgraph hrp[R-Gene prediction]
        hrppfam[Interproscan Pfam]
        hrppfam --> nbarc[NB-LRR extraction]
        nbarc --> meme[MEME]
        meme --> mast[MAST]
        mast --> superfam[Interproscan Superfamily]
        hrppfam --> rgdomains[R-Gene Identification based on Domains]
        superfam --> rgdomains
        rgdomains --> miniprot[miniprot: discovery based on known R-genes]
        miniprot --> seqs>R-Gene sequences]
        miniprot --> rgff[R-Gene gff]
        ingff>Input GFF] --> mergegff>Merged GFF]
        rgff --> mergegff

    pseqs --> hrp
    filtfasta --> hrp

    subgraph TranscriptDiscover [Transcript discovery]
      subgraph longreads [ONT cDNA]
        cDNA>cDNA Fastq] --> Porechop;
        Porechop --> minimap2;
        minimap2 --> batrans[bambu transcripts];
      subgraph shortreads [Illumina short reads]
        mRNA>short read transcript] --> trim[Trim galore];
        trim --> alnshort[STAR]
        alnshort --> trinity[Trinity]

    filtfasta --> TranscriptDiscover
    ggff --> TranscriptDiscover
    batrans --> pasa[pasa: CDS indentification]
    trinity --> pasa
    pasa --> EvidenceModeler;

    subgraph AnnoMerge [Annotation merge]
      AUGUSTUS --> EvidenceModeler{EvidenceModeler};
      SNAP --> EvidenceModeler;
      MINIPROT --> EvidenceModeler;
      EvidenceModeler --> evGFF>EvidenceModeler GFF]

    mergegff --> EvidenceModeler;

    subgraph counts[Gene Counts]
      bacounts[bambu counts]

    subgraph Rgene[R-Gene extraction]
      rgene[R-Gene filter];

    pfam --> Rgene
    Rgene --> r_tsv>R-Gene TSV];
    minimap2 --> counts;
    evGFF --> counts;
    counts --> tsv_count>Gene Count TSV];

    subgraph FuncAnno [Functional annotation]
      pfam[Interproscan Pfam];
      BLASTp --> func[Merge];
      pfam --> func;

    filtfasta --> FuncAnno
    AnnoMerge --> FuncAnno

    evGFF --> func
    func --> gff_anno>Annotation GFF]

    subgraph Transposon[Transposon annotation]
    filtfasta --> Transposon
    evGFF --> Transposon

    Transposon --> tranposonGFF>Transposon GFF]


Graph for HRP

graph TD;
  fasta>Genome Fasta] --> protseqs[Protein Sequences]
  ingff>Genome GFF] --> protseqs[Protein Sequences]
  protseqs --> pfam[Interproscan Pfam]
  pfam --> nbarc[NB-LRR extraction]
  nbarc --> meme[MEME]
  meme --> mast[MAST]
  mast --> superfam[Interproscan Superfamily]
  pfam --> rgdomains[R-Gene Identification based on Domains]
  superfam --> rgdomains
  rgdomains --> miniprot[miniprot: discovery based on known R-genes]
  miniprot --> seqs>R-Gene sequences]
  miniprot --> rgff[R-Gene gff]
  ingff --> mergegff>Merged GFF]
  rgff --> mergegff

Experimental graph

Below is an attempt using the gitGraph in mermaid

%%{init: {'theme': 'dark',
            'commitLabelColor': '#cccccc',
            'commitLabelBackground': '#434244',
            'commitLabelFontSize': '12px',
            'tagLabelFontSize': '12px',
            'git0': '#8db7d2',
            'git1': '#58508d',
            'git2': '#bc5090',
            'git3': '#ff6361',
            'git4': '#ffa600',
            'git5': '#74a892',
            'git6': '#d69e49',
            'git7': '#00ffff'
          'gitGraph': {
            'mainBranchName': "Prepare Genome",
             'parallelCommits': false

gitGraph TB:
  commit id: "Genome fasta"
  commit id: "Length filter [seqtk]" tag: "fasta"
  branch "HRP"
  branch "Ab initio<br>prediction"
  branch "Transcript<br>discovery"
  branch "Evidence Modeler"
  checkout "Prepare Genome"
  commit id: "Protein sequences [agat]"
  checkout "HRP"
  commit id: "NLR Extraction"
  commit id: "InterproScan PFAM"
  commit id: "MEME"
  commit id: "MAST"
  commit id: "InterproScan Superfamily"
  commit id: "Genome scan [miniprot]"
  commit id: "Merge with input"
  checkout "Evidence Modeler"
  merge "HRP" tag: "R-gene GFF"
  checkout "Ab initio<br>prediction"
  commit id: "AUGUSTUS"
  checkout "Evidence Modeler"
  merge "Ab initio<br>prediction" tag: "AUGUSTUS GFF"
  checkout "Ab initio<br>prediction"
  commit id: "SNAP"
  checkout "Evidence Modeler"
  merge "Ab initio<br>prediction" tag: "SNAP GFF"
  checkout "Ab initio<br>prediction"
  commit id: "miniprot"
  checkout "Evidence Modeler"
  merge "Ab initio<br>prediction" tag: "miniprot GFF"
  checkout "Transcript<br>discovery"
  commit id: "Reads" tag: "fasta"
  commit id: "Porechop / Trim Galore"
  commit id: "minimap2 / STAR"
  commit id: "bambu / Trinity"
  checkout "Evidence Modeler"
  merge "Transcript<br>discovery" tag: "Transcript GFF"
  commit type: HIGHLIGHT id: "Merged GFF"
  branch "Functional<br>annotation"
  branch "Tranposon<br>annotation"
  checkout "Functional<br>annotation"
  commit id: "BLAST"
  commit id: "InterproScan"
  commit id: "Functional annotation [agat]" tag: "Gene GFF" type: HIGHLIGHT
  checkout "Tranposon<br>annotation"
  commit type: HIGHLIGHT id: "EDTA" tag: "Transposon GFF"



Pipeline information

This pipeline performs a number of steps specifically aimed at discovery and annotation of NLR genes.

Known issues & edge case handling


Interproscan is run from the interproscan docker image. The data needs to be downloaded separately and mounted into /opt/interproscan/data (see biohpc_gen.config, After downloading a new data-release, the container should be run once interactively to index the modles (



genblastG was used in the original HRP publication. genblastG produces too many errors to be reasonably used for production tools, miniprot is replacing genblastG in this pipeline.

BLAST / AGAT_FUNCTIONAL_ANNOTATION is looking for GN= in the headers of the .fasta file used as a db for BLASTP to assign a gene name.

Currently, this is handled using sed for a very specific case: the annotations that come with Col-CEN-v1.2.

The easiest solution would be to correctly prepare the protein fasta in such a way that it contains GN= with the appropriate gene names. In that case modules MAKEBLASTDB and AGAT_FUNCTIONAL_ANNOTATION need to be edited.


Genome annotation pipeline







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