This Deep Q network maps the 37 state spaces of the Unity environment to a best policy for choosing the 4 possible actions in the environment. More detail is given in the report. The majority of the project code is taken from this Unity project:
Clone the repo
git clone cd npretor_udacity_deepRL
Install conda if not installed
a. Install dependancies: Installing the unity dependencies was a pain (running OS X Big Sur). That can be another blog post. Install non-unity reqs using:
conda create --name deepqn --file package-list.txt
If using jupyterlab:
python3 -m ipykernel install --user --name=deepqn source activate deepqn python3 -m jupyterlab
If using bash
source activate deepqn
This runs without the Weights and Biases module. Use the jupyter notebook for weights and biases tracking, but you will need to login and config wandb yourself.