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Lightweight Minecraft server status script for PHP

Copyright noxifoxi

This lightweight script queries the server information from Minecraft java servers.

  • MinecraftServer.php (Minecraft 1.0.0+) uses the query method and supports all servers with enabled queries.
  • MinecraftServerBasic.php (Minecraft Beta 1.8+) can be used as a fallback if the server does not permit queries, if something else goes wrong or just a simple request is required.


  • Queries the server if the server setting enable-query is enabled and parses the server infos.
  • Fallback to read and parse the build-in server infos from Minecraft Beta 1.8+ servers.
  • Lightweight and fast
  • Simple error handling
  • Easy to use


  • PHP 7.0+

How to use the script

In order to fetch advanced server information the server's has to have the following settings:


If enable-query is disabled (false) only basic information can be retrieved, methods of MinecraftServerBasic.php will be used then.

This is the suggested method for using this class to fetch server information:

try {
	$server = new MinecraftServer('');
} catch (Exception $e) {
	// handle errors

If the script throws an Exception it's safe to assume that the server is offline (for you).


MinecraftServer(string $host, int $port = 25565, int $timeout = 1)
  • host - IP or domain
  • port - Port where the Minecraft server is listening (Defaut: 25565)
  • timeout - how long is the script allowed try connecting to the server before it times out in seconds (Default: 1 second)


Check online/offline


If the server is online the return value is 1 otherwise it's 0.

Get player count

echo $server->numplayers . ' / ' . $server->maxplayers;

Get a list of the online players names

foreach($server->players as $player)
	echo $player . '<br>';

Note: $server->players returns an array of strings.

Get everything

$serverStatus = $server->getInfoArray();

Returns an array with all information the sever sent or the script was able to fetch.

Default server properties

Some of these properties are only available when server query is enabled, properties marked with "(Simple)" are always available via the Simple class or fallback - if the server is online:

  • hostname (Simple)
  • gametype
  • game_id
  • version
  • plugins
  • map
  • numplayers (Simple)
  • maxplayers (Simple)
  • hostport (Simple)
  • hostip (Simple)
  • online (Simple)
  • software

Servers can add more than these default properties, check the keys of Get everything if you are unsure.


MinecraftServer.php automatically falls back using MinecraftServerBasic.php if the file is present in the same folder.