A simple key-value store based on the Bitcask storage format implemented in C++.
A Command Line Interface (CLI) executable (bitcask-cli) is provided to interact with the key-value store library (bitcask).
# Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:notascii/bitcask.git
cd bitcask
# Initialize the submodules
git submodule init
git submodule update
mkdir build
cd build
# Configure the build
cmake ..
# or a mix of the following options
# cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. # for debug build
# cmake -DBUILD_WITH_DOCS=ON .. # to build the documentation
# Build the project
cmake --build .
make docs # to build the documentation (optional if BUILD_WITH_DOCS=ON)
# then open the documentation (build/docs/html/index.html) in a browser
# Run the executable
./bitcask-cli <db_path> # then type 'help' to see the available commands
# Example:
# mkdir /tmp/bitcask_db/ && ./bitcask-cli /tmp/bitcask_db/
# Run the tests
ctest --output-on-failure
# Static analysis
cppcheck --enable=all --supress=missingIncludeSystem *.cpp
# Memory leak detection
valgrind --leak-check=full ./bitcask-cli <db_path>
# Formatting (style used in the project is Microsoft)
clang-format --style=Microsoft -i *.cpp *.h