This is an automated XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) vulnerability scanning tool developed in Python. The tool uses Nikto and XSSer to scan URLs for potential XSS vulnerabilities and generates a detailed report with the scan results.
Scans single URLs or URLs from a list in a file. Live scanning progress and results display. Generates a comprehensive report with identified vulnerabilities. Supports customization of scan parameters.
Python 3.x installed on your machine. Internet connectivity for scanning tools (Nikto and XSSer).
1- Clone the repository:
git clone
2- Navigate to the repository:
cd xss-automation-tool
python -u ""
python -l urls.txt
Create a text file named urls.txt containing URLs, with each URL on a new line.
The script will display live scanning progress and results for each URL or parameter. After completion, a report file (xss_scan_report.txt) will be generated with detailed results. Review the report:
Open the generated report file (xss_scan_report.txt) to view the final results, including vulnerable URLs and XSS vulnerabilities found.
Made with ❤️ By Ajay Jachak
🔗 LinekedIn -
📲 InstaGram -
20/05/2024 📅
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.