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Releases: notablackbear/poe_qolV2


17 Sep 23:24
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POE_QOL_v2.0.3 Pre-release

It is not recommended to replace a working POE_QoL Overlay app with this version, since it was only able to be tested with a very limited number of user situations and configurations. If you have something working, probably best to stick with it until after league start.

IMPORTANT NOTE: A player found that the filter was not auto updating. 1) If you already have a POEQOL_Base.filter that you want to use because you may have customized it, put the absolute path to that file in the Setup.ini like so filter=C:\path\to\my\awesome\poeqol\filters\POEQOL_Base.filter. 2) If you want a fresh start, leave filter= blank and it will prompt you to give it a location, which it will store for future use.


  1. Download the zip file to your Documents folder and unzip the contents
  2. Open the Setup.ini file in a text editor. Please READ what is included and update the values of each parameter. Hashtags (#) indicate a line is commented and not read by the app.
  3. Run the POE_QOL_v2-0-3.exe file.
  4. It is possible that it will have trouble finding your filter and alert you (please read the alert), and then ask you to select the folder where your POE filter files are located. It will then make a copy of the included default and you shouldn't have to do that again since it will update the Setup file with the given location.


  • Attempts to fixed a lot of most commonly reported errors related to non-ASCII account names and also unexpected filter folder locations. Players should NO LONGER need to encode special characters in the Setup.ini file; doing so will throw errors.

  • Attempting to make the chaos recipe item filter more robust to customization, and fix error related to missing lines or comments.

  • Added rudimentary logging functionality that can be turned on in the Setup.ini file

  • Enabled pictures on buttons that were included, but not being shown

  • Enabled overlay to be moved after being enabled

  • Tweaked wonky stash searching. Stash must be open to search.


16 Sep 03:59
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Took over this codebase from its stale state. Unzip the files, Fill in the Setup.ini with your POE account info, POESESSID, and other info like screen resolution. Start the executable and you should be good to go!


16 Sep 15:09
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There was an error with the chaos_items_filter.filter file that kept the filter form correctly updating after the first update.


16 Sep 08:06
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-Simplified how the app looks for assests by bringing them to the top level of the folder.
-Fixed a bug in OneHandWeapons filter updating
-Added error message when app cannot connect to public stash
-Tried to clarify some other things in Setup.ini and files

You can now either clone the repo, or download and unzip this release