Bson2 is an Ocaml library for Bson encoding and decoding.
The Bson spec can be found here: Bson.
Currently, this library supports reading and writing from and to the binary bson format.
contains the Reader
and Writer
let document =
let open Bson2.Binary.Writer in
let doc = create 64 in
write_string doc "name" "Stephanos";
write_int32 doc "age" 28l;
write_string doc "email" "[email protected]";
write_document_close doc;
to_string doc |> Result.ok_or_failwith
A reader can be created from either bytes or a channel.
To read a document, call the read_next
open Bson2.Binary
let process reader =
match Reader.read_next reader with
| Field(name, Double f) ->
handle_float name f
| Field(name, String s) ->
handle_string name s
| Field(name, Document_start) -> handle_document_start name
| Document_end -> handle_document_end ()
let () =
let chan = Stdio.In_channel.create "foo.txt" in
let reader = Reader.of_channel chan in
process reader