A minimalist, cross-browser "DOM Ready" event handler.
The test.html is minimal and shows a typical usage.
But it's really very simple, much like the following code snippet:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/dom-ready.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// When DOM is ready, this function is called and
// 'document' is passed to it.
// 'this' is pointing to current scope ('window', in this case.)
domReady(function(document, window) {
The source code has been meticulously gathered from various authors (list follows) and compiled in this minimal closure. Once minified, the script is merely a few hundred bytes long.
domready, by Elias Torres
IEContentLoaded, by Diego Perini
onDOMContentLoaded, by Ilya Kantor (Russian)
domassistant, by Robert Nyman
DOMContentLoaded, by Microsoft Corp.
domcontentloaded, by Tanny O'Haley