1.5.0 Release for Linux
Prior to running, please:
- Resave current model by clicking save in Setup -> Model Setup tab
- Confirm that the appropriate parameters are checked on Estimation Data Input -> Run Estimation tab
Release Notes
- Added log scaling checkbox for parameters ranges (i.e., log prior to estimation and exponentiated post estimation)
- Added logic to handle case of range having a 0 (use 1e-20 under the covers); it won’t work with log scaling
- Added user notification when model converges
- Added tolerance label so user can see which algorithms abide by tolerance stop value
- Added default button to set the default tolerance to 1E-06
- Fixed "Load Model" button behavior on Estimation Tab 8 (doesn’t auto switch to run page after loading)
- Fixed predation matrix on input having different orientation than that of output (should be predators across and prey down)
- Fixed state and enable-ness of Estimation Tab7 checkboxes
- Fixed check if any Predation/Competition initial values are outside ranges
- Fixed multi-runs not recognizing the new stop tolerance