This release is of the final scripts used for the 2024 data update to the portal! Key changes from last year are highlighted below:
- The EBS data series now starts in 1987. Previously, 1985 was included, but it was determined that the that earlier year was more of an experimental year and that the survey didn't start a more consistent sampling footprint until 1987 onward.
- For the WCANN survey, we switched from using the depth_m column to the depth_hi_prec_m column for the depth used to define the strata. This was done because for some hauls the depth_m was not provided but it was provided under the depth_high_prec_m column.
- For GMEX the time series now starts in 2010 instead of 2008. 2008-2009 were experimental years sampling in the eastern Gulf.
- In the SE Fall survey, the decision was made this year to remove some poorly sampled strata instead of poorly sampled years. This enabled us to keep data from 2018-2022 which would otherwise have been removed if we removed years instead of strata.