This soure code illustrates how to apply Dijkstra algorithm into Linked List.
It requires Visual Stuio to run. Initially, you need to open project with Visual Studio. After that, you could change input data by modifying file main.cpp. Finally, source code of function Dijkstra:
void Dijktra(Cnode* u,string LABEL,list<Cnode*>ListDistance) {
u->DISTANCE = 0;
Cnode* nodemin=NULL;
while (true)
int minDistance=-1;
for (list<Cnode*>::iterator it = ListDistance.begin();it != ListDistance.end();it++)
if ((!(*it)->CHECKED))
if ((minDistance == -1)||((*it)->DISTANCE<minDistance))
minDistance = (*it)->DISTANCE;
nodemin = *it;
if ((nodemin->LABEL==LABEL)||(minDistance==-1))
nodemin->CHECKED = true;
list<int>::iterator itdis = nodemin->LISTweight.begin();
for (list<Cnode*>::iterator it = nodemin->LISTn.begin();
it!= nodemin->LISTn.end(), itdis!=nodemin->LISTweight.end(); it++,itdis++)
//if (!(*it)->CHECKED)
//(*it)->CHECKED = true;
if ((nodemin->DISTANCE+*itdis<(*it)->DISTANCE))
(*it)->DISTANCE = nodemin->DISTANCE + *itdis;
(*it)->TRACE = nodemin;