The Artifact Discovery and Preparation Toolkit Kubernetes Cluster (NLP-ADAPT-Kube) is designed to allow researchers to increase the scale of the tools found in the NLP-ADAPT VM for processing larger volumes of data at scale for use in ensembling of multiple annotator engines.
Scalability and performance: NLP-ADAPT-Kube will allow researchers to distribute annotator engine processing in parallel across multiple systems.
Usability: We simplify the process of deploying a kubernetes cluster by utilizing standard utilities, including
for building local dependenciesdocker
for building Docker imageskubectl
for deployment and monitoring of kubernetes clusterargo
for workflow management of kubernetes clusterkubeadm
for simplification of creating a multi-node kubernetes clusterminikube
for localized testing of kubernetes cluster
We utilize minikube
for testing as a single node Kubernetes cluster. We also successfully deployed a Kubernetes cluster across multiple nodes with a single master node using kubeadm
All local devlopment can be done using minikube
and then pushed to a production cluster. Our production cluster uses barebones native Linux OS access using calico
as a virtualized overlay network to manage internal requests within cluster.
If you are interested in using this, please submit an issue. We can provide assistance in installation and configuration, as well as providing requisite Docker
images needed to run this workflow.
This project, including the Wiki is a work in progress...
Funding for this work was provided by:
- 5U01TR002062-02