I've been working on this close to a year. There is one chapter play through with about 4-5 different endings. This is titled FIRSTWORLD. I just begun work on the second world. Where you meet the wizard and are going to aquire spell powers for when you're battling enemies.
- Diverse story with multiple endings where you can play as 5 different races.
- Battle System, Karma System, Bag system.
- A Help book, you can acquire in you play the game carefully.
- Events that trigger stat affects, battles, or picking up key items.
- One ending that is pretty difficult to get in order to progress story.
- Original Music and painted assets.
- RPG awesome.
- improved secondary Bag UI
- Save feature with local storage.
- World 2 (once you're out of the town you can get past the wizard's hut)
- deployment.
- fixing up the taunt aspect of battle system (sometimes taunting leads to a negative attack stat which makes the character die).
- fixing some UI.
- fixing the block aspect or when the player heals mid battle, they sometimes go past their max HP.
Don't die. This can be from an event, dying in battle, or your karma falling too low. You know you have won when you escape the village.