Data Binding based RecyclerView Adapter
Only RecyclerView adapter that you will ever need again. You don't even have to write a ViewHolder!
- Based on Android Data Binding
- Works with Androidx
- Written in Kotlin
- No need to write the adapter
- No need to write the viewholders
- No need to modify your model classes
- No need to notify the adapter when data set changes
- Supports custom empty list/ list end item views
- Supports multiple item view types
- Supports optional callbacks
- Support custom callbacks
- Super easy API
- Tiny size: ~37.2 KB
- Minimum Android SDK: 15
apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'
android {
dataBinding.enabled true
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.nikb7:SoleAdapter:v0.3.0'
Create your item layouts with <layout>
as root:
<layout xmlns:android="">
<!--All your models must extend interface StableId-->
<!--pass the reference of the view and obj to identify the view click in callback-->
It is important for all the item types to have the same variable name, in this case "obj", "lis". This name is passed to the adapter builder as BR.variableName, in this case BR.obj, BR.lis: Kotlin code
val adapter = SoleAdapter(viewMap = mapOf(TextModel::class to R.layout.text_cell), //pass a mapping of your data class and xml files
listener = this) //Extend your Activity/Fragment with OnRecyclerItemClickListener and pass it's reference for callbacks.
adapter.apply {
recyclerView.adapter = this //assign the adpter to the recycler view
submitList(getListOfItems()) //submit the list of items here
data class TextModel(val text: String) : StableId {
override fun getStableId(): String = text
//Extend your Activity/Fragment with OnRecyclerItemClickListener
//This gets called when the view inside recyclerview'c cell gets clicked
override fun onRecyclerInnerItemClick(view: View, obj: StableId) {
when { == && obj is TextModel -> {
Toast.makeText(this, "List inner item: ${obj.text}", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
//This gets called when the recyclerview'c cell gets clicked
override fun onRecyclerItemClick(obj: StableId) {
when {
obj is TextModel -> Toast.makeText(this, obj.text, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
//This gets called when the recyclerview'c cell gets long pressed
override fun onRecyclerItemLongPressed(obj: StableId) {
Advance usuage
open class RecyclerAdapter(viewMap: MutableMap<Class<out StableId>, Int>,
listener: OnRecyclerItemClickListener? = null,
emptyListModel: StableId? = EmptyListModel(), //set your custom empty-list model
listEndModel: StableId? = ListEndModel(), //set your custom list-end model
hasStableIds:Boolean = true) : //set hasStableIds as true to notify recylerview that all the items in list has unique id
viewMap = viewMap,
listener = listener
) {
init {
if (emptyListModel != null)
setEmptyListView(EmptyListModel(), R.layout.empty_list_cell) // assign the xml resource of empty-list view
if (listEndModel != null)
setListEndView(ListEndModel(), R.layout.list_end_cell) // assign the xml resource of list-end view
EmptyListModel is displayed when your there are no items in the list.
ListEndModel is appened at the end of the list
To disable any of these you can pass it's value as null
Same can be achieved without extending the SoleAdapter, but I encorouge you to extend the SoleAdapter so that it is more customised to your use case and becomes easier to use.
You can also extend SoleAdapter use-case like -
Adpater with Movable Cells
Requirement to display multiple cells based on some conditions from a single data class
- AutoGridLayoutManager
- HorizontalDivider
MIT License