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Mortality Data Quality Assessment Framework Example Code

The National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) is managed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and is the system of record for all vital events (e.g., births, deaths) in the United States. This system, for example, is used to manage approximately 2.8 million death records annually and was constructed to ensure accurate and timely data availability (NCHS 2024). Death certificate data, however, have at times been found to incomplete, inaccurate, and untimely, affecting the utility of the death certificate data (Flagg 2021). To address some of these challenges, over the last decade, 54 of 57 jurisdictions implemented an electronic death reporting system (EDRS). These EDRSs allow for electronic capture of data, thus gaining efficiency in data sharing and reporting.

Although the use of EDRSs, especially with embedded edit check tools (e.g., Validations and Interactive Edits Web Service), has improved data quality, challenges persist (Flagg 2021). Comprehensive, monitoring of data quality over time is essential to identify gaps and identify opportunities to improve data quality.

This library of simple code examples complements the recently developed Data Quality Assessment Framework and complementary Jurisdictional Playbook for Implementation of Mortality Data Quality Assessment Framework.


This code repository contains

  • An example synthetic data file (NotionalDeathRecordData.csv), located in the data directory, containing synthetic mortality data representing the type of data that a jurisdiction should have available for quality assessment.

  • A data file (unsuitable_COD_codes.csv), located in the data directory, containing ICD10 codes that have been identified as unsuitable underlying causes of death as listed in (Flagg 2021).

    • Note that the file contains both specific four digit ICD-10 codes, which don't include the decimal point (e.g., I959, referring to "Hypotension, unspecified") and three digit ICD-10 codes for broader categories, e.g., J18, referring to "Pneumonia, organism unspecified".

    • Three digit codes imply the inclusion of all related four digit codes, e.g., J18, referring to "Pneumonia, organism unspecified", also implicitly means the inclusion of J180, referring to "Bronchopneumonia, unspecified", J181, referring to "Lobar pneumonia, unspecified", etc.

    • Software that tests for matches to the list of unsuitable underlying causes of death should simply test if the underlying code in a record begins with an unsuitable code from the data file, e.g., J189 appearing as the underlying code in a record should match against J18 from the list of unsuitable codes since J189 begins with J18.

  • A Jupyter Notebook (MortalityDataQualityAssessment.ipynb) that demonstrates calculation of several metrics for assessing mortality data quality.

  • Example python scripts to demonstrate calculation of various metrics for assessing mortality data quality:

    • – Proportion of records that were not certified within the expected time – jurisdictions typically specify how quickly a death should be certified after the actual date of death.

    • – Proportion of records with at least one “medical certifier” field incomplete – the medical certifier is the medical professional or authorized person who determines the cause of death and manner of death.

    • – Proportion of records with at least one demographic field incomplete – demographic fields include variables such as age, race/ethnicity, and occupation.

    • – Proportion of records with at least one “other medical factors” field incomplete – other medical factors include variables such as tobacco use and pregnancy status.

    • – Proportion of records with only one cause of death condition – multiple clinical conditions are typically reported by the medical certifier within Part I and Part II of the death certificate.

    • – Proportion of records with unsuitable underlying cause of death (UCOD) – unsuitable UCODs are those which are unknown and ill-defined; immediate and intermediate; and nonspecific. This code example also shows how the results can be displayed on a per-certifier basis.

    • – Proportion of records without other significant conditions – part II of the death certificate contains medical conditions that contributed to the death but were not considered to be part of the chain of events that led to death.

  • Example R scripts (currently just one) to demonstrate calculation of various metrics for assessing mortality data quality:

Note that there is currently no example code to determine the proportion of records with an implausible sequence for cause of death.

Requirements: Python

Running the standalone example code requires

  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • The pandas library

You can install pandas with pip:

pip install pandas

Running the Jupyter Notebook example requires Jupyter Notebook to be installed. Jupyter Notebook can be installed with pip:

pip install notebook

Usage: Python

Running the example code can be done by invoking each script with python, e.g.:

> cd code
> python   
The proportion of records with an unsuitable underlying cause of death is 0.20

Running the Jupyter Notebook can be done by starting the Jupyter Notebook server:

jupyter notebook

Once Jupyter Notebook is running you can open the MortalityDataQualityAssessment.ipynb notebook file within Jupyter.

The examples have an embedded reference to the sample mortality data file. The code is not intended to be run directly in a jurisdiction environment since each jurisdiction may organize data differently, but rather is intended to serve as examples that can be adapted as needed or simply serve as reference materials when developing systems to measure quality metrics.

Requirements: R

Running the standalone example code requires

  • RStudio
  • The dplyr library

You can install dplyr with

install.packages("dplyr", dependencies = TRUE)

Usage: R

Running the example code can be done by invoking each script in RStudio, e.g.:


(updating the path to the code as appropriate)


Copyright 2024 The MITRE Corporation

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Contact Information

For questions or comments about this code repository please send email to


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