Fixes #921
4 errors
src/Psalm/Config.php:1196:29: PossiblyNullReference: Cannot call method addAttribute on possibly null value (see
tests/MethodSignatureTest.php:294:47: InvalidReturnType: The declared return type 'iterable<string, array{assertions?: array<string, string>, code: string, ignored_issues?: list<string>, php_version?: string}>' for Psalm\Tests\MethodSignatureTest::providerValidCodeParse is incorrect, got 'array{MixedParamInImplementation: array{assertions: array<never, never>, code: '<?php\n interface I\n {\n ...', ignored_errors: array<never, never>, php_version: '8.0'}, allowByRefReturn: array{code: '<?php\n interface Foo {\n public funct...'}, allowExecptionToStringIn71: array{assertions: array<never, never>, code: '<?php\n class E extends Exception {\n ...', ignored_issues: array<never, never>, php_version: '7.1'}, allowExecptionToStringWithNoType: array{code: '<?php\n class E extends Exception {\n ...'}, allowExtraVariadic: array{code: '<?php\n interface I {\n public functio...'}, allowInterfaceImplementation: array{code: '<?php\n abstract class A {\n /** @Retu...'}, allowLessSpecificDocblockTypeOnParent: array{assertions: array{'$a': 'string'}, code: '<?php\n abstract class Foo {\n /**\n ...'}, allowMatchIn74: array{assertions: array<never, never>, code: '<?php\n trait FooTrait {\n /**\n ...', ignored_issues: array<never, never>, php_version: '7.4'}, allowMixedExtensionOfIteratorAggregate: array{code: '<?php\n /**\n * @psalm-suppress MissingTe...'}, allowNoChildClassPropertyWhenMixed: array{code: '<?php\n class A implements Serializable {\n ...'}, allowNoReturnInSubclassWithNullableReturnType: array{code: '<?php\n class A {\n /** @return ?int *...'}, allowOverridingThrowable: array{code: '<?php\n /**\n * @psalm-immutable\n ...'}, allowSomeCovariance: array{code: '<?php\n interface I1 {\n public functi...'}, allowStaticInheritance: array{assertions: array<never, never>, code: '<?php\n class A {\n public function me...', ignored_issues: array<never, never>, php_version: '8.0'}, allowSubclassesForNonInheritedMethodParams: array{code: '<?php\n class A {}\n class B extends A {\n...'}, allowVoidToNullConversion: array{code: '<?php\n class A {\n /** @return ?strin...'}, callParentMethodFromTrait: array{code: '<?php\n class MyParentClass\n {\n ...'}, clashWithCallMapClass: array{code: '<?php\n class HaruDestination {}\n class A...'}, classWithTraitExtendsNonAbstractWithMethod: array{code: '<?php\n class A {\n public function fo...'}, consistentConstructor: array{code: '<?php\n /**\n * @psalm-consistent-constru...'}, descendantAddsByRefReturn: array{code: '<?php\n interface Foo {\n public funct...'}, doesNotRequireInterfaceDestructorsToHaveReturnType: array{code: '<?php\n interface I\n {\n ...'}, enforceParameterInheritanceWithInheritDocAndParam: array{code: '<?php\n class A {}\n class B extends A {}\...'}, extendStaticReturnTypeInFinal: array{assertions: array<never, never>, code: '<?php\n final class B extends A\n {\n ...', ignored_issues: array<never, never>, php_version: '8.0'}, inheritDocumentedSelf: array{code: '<?php\n interface I {\n /**\n ...'}, inheritParamTypeWhenSignatureReturnT
tests/MethodSignatureTest.php:296:16: InvalidReturnStatement: The inferred type 'array{MixedParamInImplementation: array{assertions: array<never, never>, code: '<?php\n interface I\n {\n ...', ignored_errors: array<never, never>, php_version: '8.0'}, allowByRefReturn: array{code: '<?php\n interface Foo {\n public funct...'}, allowExecptionToStringIn71: array{assertions: array<never, never>, code: '<?php\n class E extends Exception {\n ...', ignored_issues: array<never, never>, php_version: '7.1'}, allowExecptionToStringWithNoType: array{code: '<?php\n class E extends Exception {\n ...'}, allowExtraVariadic: array{code: '<?php\n interface I {\n public functio...'}, allowInterfaceImplementation: array{code: '<?php\n abstract class A {\n /** @Retu...'}, allowLessSpecificDocblockTypeOnParent: array{assertions: array{'$a': 'string'}, code: '<?php\n abstract class Foo {\n /**\n ...'}, allowMatchIn74: array{assertions: array<never, never>, code: '<?php\n trait FooTrait {\n /**\n ...', ignored_issues: array<never, never>, php_version: '7.4'}, allowMixedExtensionOfIteratorAggregate: array{code: '<?php\n /**\n * @psalm-suppress MissingTe...'}, allowNoChildClassPropertyWhenMixed: array{code: '<?php\n class A implements Serializable {\n ...'}, allowNoReturnInSubclassWithNullableReturnType: array{code: '<?php\n class A {\n /** @return ?int *...'}, allowOverridingThrowable: array{code: '<?php\n /**\n * @psalm-immutable\n ...'}, allowSomeCovariance: array{code: '<?php\n interface I1 {\n public functi...'}, allowStaticInheritance: array{assertions: array<never, never>, code: '<?php\n class A {\n public function me...', ignored_issues: array<never, never>, php_version: '8.0'}, allowSubclassesForNonInheritedMethodParams: array{code: '<?php\n class A {}\n class B extends A {\n...'}, allowVoidToNullConversion: array{code: '<?php\n class A {\n /** @return ?strin...'}, callParentMethodFromTrait: array{code: '<?php\n class MyParentClass\n {\n ...'}, clashWithCallMapClass: array{code: '<?php\n class HaruDestination {}\n class A...'}, classWithTraitExtendsNonAbstractWithMethod: array{code: '<?php\n class A {\n public function fo...'}, consistentConstructor: array{code: '<?php\n /**\n * @psalm-consistent-constru...'}, descendantAddsByRefReturn: array{code: '<?php\n interface Foo {\n public funct...'}, doesNotRequireInterfaceDestructorsToHaveReturnType: array{code: '<?php\n interface I\n {\n ...'}, enforceParameterInheritanceWithInheritDocAndParam: array{code: '<?php\n class A {}\n class B extends A {}\...'}, extendStaticReturnTypeInFinal: array{assertions: array<never, never>, code: '<?php\n final class B extends A\n {\n ...', ignored_issues: array<never, never>, php_version: '8.0'}, inheritDocumentedSelf: array{code: '<?php\n interface I {\n /**\n ...'}, inheritParamTypeWhenSignatureReturnTypeChanged: array{assertions: array<never, never>, code: '<?php\n class A {\n public function __...', ignored_issues: array<never, never>, php_version: '7.4'}, inherit
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