The history project aims to collect information on past shows, committees and other goings-on at The Nottingham New Theatre.
To get the site running locally you will need a working Ruby environment, the bundler gem installed (sudo gem install bundler
) and ImageMagick (usually sudo apt-get install imagemagick
). Then do the following:
git clone
to clone the repo to your computer.
cd history-project
to change into the directory.
bundle install
to install all the Ruby dependencies the project needs to build.
npm install
to install all the Node dependencies the project needs to build.
bundle exec jekyll serve --watch
to build the site and serve it on http://localhost:4000 when done. File changes will trigger a rebuild.
See the site documentation
Rename all .txt files to .md in a directory:
for file in *.txt
mv $file `echo $file | sed 's/\(.*\.\)txt/\1md/'`
bundle exec htmlproof _site
will check the site for mistakes in the generated output (broken links, missing alt attributes on images etc).
This repo is mirrored here: It's kept up to date by Will's pushes so may be a little behind.