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a demo of a tiny publishing system powered by gatsby + google docs


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tiny news demo

A tiny news co demo built with Gatsby, React, Google Docs, and a lot off integrations.

🚀 Quick start

  1. Clone this repo

    git clone [email protected]:news-catalyst/tiny-news-demo.git
  2. Install the things.

    Navigate into your new site’s directory and run:

    cd tiny-news-demo/
    npm install
  3. Set a token for Google Docs access.

    This is required for the tinynewsco site to read from a Google Docs folder.

    npm run token
    # copy the contents of .google/token.json to your clipboard: `cat .google/token.json | pbcopy` on a mac
    export GATSBY_SOURCE_GOOGLE_DOCS_TOKEN="token data here"

    This environment variable is already set on Netlify for building the site to

    Need Netlify access? Talk to Jacqui. This might require upgrading the Netlify account ($$).

  4. Configure site settings.

    There are many of these in gatsby-config.js but the most important ones you'll need to set in order to get up and running is adding the Google Docs "Ready" folder ID to the array in the section for "gatsby-source-google-docs" :)

    More info on configuration can be found below, keep scrolling.

  5. Start up on localhost.

    gatsby develop
  6. View the site and admin.

    Your site is now running at http://localhost:8000!

    Note: You'll also see a second link: http://localhost:8000/___graphql. This is a tool you can use to experiment with querying your data. Learn more about using this tool in the Gatsby tutorial.

    There is also a tinycms at http://localhost:8000/tinycms!


Public-facing pages (like http://localhost:8000, http://localhost:8000/articles/your-title-here) are served by gatsby based on data in graphQL.

This data is mainly imported into graphQL from Google Drive. Other data, like text labels and navigation, comes from gatsby-config.js.

Metadata on articles, including social media settings and tags, is managed via the tinycms. This is really just a simple web form that loads and updates data directly in Google Drive via Google APIs. If you make changes either in Google Drive or in tinycms and are wondering why you can't see them in the web pages, you probably need to restart the server (gatsby develop) or republish the site (gatsby build). More troubleshooting should probably be written about this aspect at a later date.

Configuration & Integration

How we actually create, configure and publish each tinynewsco site is TBD - and will probably be the result of an interactive scripted setup process. However, there are several integration and configuration points regardless of setup implementation. This section describes how to create a custom tinynewsco site.

Setup Google Docs Integration

Google Docs is the main source of content for a tinynewsco. This requires a top-level folder created in Docs in which any document can be published live to the site. That is, if you'd like to write drafts in Google Docs, you need to make sure to do that in a different folder, then move the document when it's ready for publication.

We recommend the following setup in Google Docs:

Use separate folders for publication-ready content and in-progress drafts. Here we're using "Ready" and "Drafts" but you can call these whatever you like. How you organize your drafts is also entirely up to you, as the tinynewsco publishing platform ignores anything outside your version of a "Ready" folder.

Things start to get interesting within the "Ready" folder. The folder structure you setup here will translate directly into a URL or site structure for your tinynewsco. In the above example, there are three folders and a document. These will be published as:

  • articles: /articles/
  • opinion: /opinion/
  • blog: /blog/
  • Top Article: /top-article/

In other words, any folder becomes a directory in the URL, any document becomes a page. You can nest folders as much as you like, for example, articles can include topic-level subfolders.

More on this later, though. Now that you've created a "Ready" (or whatever you'd like to name this) folder in Google, make note of its folder ID:

Click into your "Ready" folder and copy the last bit of the URL for the folder ID, as shown in the above screenshot.

Now open gatsby-config.js in the top-level of this repo and find the configuration section for gatsby-source-google-docs. Update the folders array so your folder ID is included, like below:

        resolve: "gatsby-source-google-docs",
        options: {
            folders: ["1lcfhd58_0D6-uP0Dwb0a_-Yri2L0h-6K"],
            debug: true,

We'll get into creating an article later in the docs.

Sitewide Text Setup

For now, we define general text used across the site in a special configuration file for Gatsby located in the root of this repo: gatsby-config.js, the same file we used to configure Google Docs integration.

The section you'll want to edit is towards the top of the file:

module.exports = {
  siteMetadata: {
    shortName: `tinynewsco`,
    title: `the tiny news collective`,
    siteUrl: ``,
    description: `a local news initiative`,
    subscribe: {
      title: `Subscribe`,
      subtitle: `Get the latest news about the tiny news collective in your inbox.`,
    footerTitle: ``,
    footerBylineName: `News Catalyst`,
    footerBylineLink: ``,
    labels: {
      latestNews: `Latest News`,
      search: `Search`,
      topics: `Topics`,
    nav: {
      articles: `Articles`,
      topics: `All Topics`,
      cms: `tinycms`

Everything in siteMetadata can be customised to work with your particular tinynewsco's language.

The various site templates make use of these snippets of text by first requesting them in a graphql query, as seen in this example pulled from the homepage code at src/pages/index.js:

export const query = graphql`
  query {
    site {
      siteMetadata {
        labels {
        nav {

Once requested, the text is then available in the template:

  <section className="hero is-dark is-bold">
    <div className="hero-body">
      <div className="container">
        <h1 className="title">
        <h2 className="subtitle">

To-do: internationalization of text, which will probably require a different solution than gatsby-config.js.

Google Analytic and AMP Setup

To configure your site's Google Analytics and AMP, open gatsby-config.js again and edit the following sections.

For AMP, specify your Google Analytics ID in two places, set the base URL, specify any AMP add-ons (we use amp-form by default) and finally set the pathIdentifier that identifies AMP versions of a page:

        resolve: `gatsby-plugin-amp`,
        options: {
          analytics: {
            type: 'gtag',
            dataCredentials: 'include',
            config: {
              vars: {
                gtag_id: "UA-166777432-1",
                config: {
                  "UA-166777432-1": {
                    page_location: '{{pathname}}'
          canonicalBaseUrl: '',
          components: ['amp-form'],
          excludedPaths: ['/404*', '/'],
          pathIdentifier: '/amp/',
          relAmpHtmlPattern: '{{canonicalBaseUrl}}{{pathname}}{{pathIdentifier}}',
          useAmpClientIdApi: true,

The default URL for AMP appends /amp/ to a page URL, so /articles/article-with-embeds/ becomes /articles/article-with-embeds/amp/ and so on.

For Google Analytics, depending on your preferences, you may merely need to edit this section by specifying your tracking ID:

    resolve: `gatsby-plugin-google-analytics`,
    options: {
      // The property ID; the tracking code won't be generated without it
      trackingId: "UA-166777432-1",
      // Defines where to place the tracking script - `true` in the head and `false` in the body
      head: true,
      // Setting this parameter is optional
      anonymize: true,
      // Setting this parameter is also optional
      respectDNT: true,
      // Avoids sending pageview hits from custom paths
      exclude: ["/preview/**", "/do-not-track/me/too/"],
      // Delays sending pageview hits on route update (in milliseconds)
      pageTransitionDelay: 0,
      // Enables Google Optimize using your container Id
      // Enables Google Optimize Experiment ID
      // experimentId: "YOUR_GOOGLE_EXPERIMENT_ID",
      // Set Variation ID. 0 for original 1,2,3....
      // Defers execution of google analytics script after page load
      defer: false,
      // Any additional optional fields
      // sampleRate: 5,
      // siteSpeedSampleRate: 10,
      // cookieDomain: "",

Mailchimp Setup

You can also integrate your tinynewsco site with Mailchimp. This integration allows you to solicit subscribers for your newsletter directly on your site, providing a subscribe form at /subscribe/. Once again, open your gatsby-config.js and enter the endpoint URL for your newsletter in the right section:

    resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-mailchimp',
    options: {
        endpoint: ';id=417b45b221', 

Simple enough, right? Now, where do you find that endpoint URL? That's a little tricky in Mailchimp, but we'll try to explain.

Login to your Mailchimp account and navigate to the Audience page. It should look similar to this:

Scroll down that page and you should see a section called "Copy/paste onto your site". Find the <form> tag and select the value of its action property like so:

Copy and paste that value into the endpoint section of the gatsby-config.js file we showed above. Restart your site and you should have a functioning subscribe form now at /subscribe. If you'd like to edit any of the text that appears on that page, you can do so by following the "Sitewide Text Setup" instructions above. Look for any fields with "subscribe" in their name.

SEO and Social settings

Default values for all SEO and social tagging on the site are configured in gatsby-config.js but may be overridden on a per-article basis in the tinycms.

First, make sure you have set sane defaults by editing this section of gatsby-config.js:

        resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-next-seo',
        options: {
          canonical: '',
          titleTemplate: 'tiny news co | %s',
          openGraph: {
            type: 'website',
            locale: 'en_US',
            url: '',
            site_name: 'tiny news co',
          twitter: {
            handle: '@tinynewsco',
            site: '@newscatalyst',
            cardType: 'summary_large_image',

If you'd like to edit these values on a particular article, you may do so by opening it in the tinycms and changing the form, like so:

Editing Articles in Google Docs

To add an article to the tinynewsco site:

  • create a new document in the "Ready" folder
  • set the document title to the headline
  • set a main image by adding a header to the first page and inserting an image
  • format your article text
  • add links, tables and inline images directly to the copy
  • to embed content from social media and other sites, use an embed shortcode: [embed src=]
    • supported: facebook, google maps, instagram, soundcloud, twitter, youtube
  • publish the site (locally, restart gatsby develop)
  • add metadata like topical tags and SEO and social content in the tinycms

The screenshots below show how to set a title, a main article image (used in any list of articles, and as the top image on an article), including a table - even one copied and pasted from elsewhere, different text formatting and inline images.

Set the title of the document to the article's headline. This will be used to generate the article's URL slug.

Insert a header into the first page of the doc...

... and drag an image into the header to set it as the article's main image.

Either insert a table in Google Docs directly or copy & paste it from another doc or webpage to include it in the article.

Basic text formatting like *bold* and _italics_ is supported. So is including images inline - just insert the image directly into the copy.

Add photo credits and other information to any image by selecting the image, right clicking and selecting "Alt text" to bring up this dialog.

Dynamic Pages (not edited via Google Docs)


Also known as the homepage, this lists all articles in reverse chronological order along with a unique list of topics. It also includes a nav and footer.

The source code for is found in src/pages/index.js.


This page lists all of the unique tags used across all articles and is available at The source code for this page is in src/pages/topics.js.

To add a tag to this page, you merely need to add it to one or more articles in the tinycms editor.


This page is available at and is powered by the Mailchimp Integration we detailed above. You can find the source code for this in src/pages/subscribe.js.


a demo of a tiny publishing system powered by gatsby + google docs







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