Collection of tools used in the NeuralABC lab
Parallelize() example usage:
arr = [2,3,5,7,11,12]
def is_odd(n):
return True if n % 2 == 1 else False
Parallelize(arr, is_odd, 10)
[ True],
[ True],
[ True],
[ True],
A more involved example
#pc_stack is an (1001, 119387) array containing the masked first PC data of the 1001 subjects
pc_stack = np.loadtxt("Out2.txt")
#Define a few masks
old_mask = "/data/neuralabc/pirami/preprocess/Group_averages/masks/T1_5tt_warped_multcon_cubic_mean_vol2_WM_thr0p9_bin.nii.gz"
CC_mask = "Pezzoli_region.nii.gz"
correct_img = nb.load(old_mask)
resampled_mask = resample_img(CC_mask, target_affine=correct_img.affine,
target_shape=(147, 183, 144))
#Our goal is to constrain the PC data to only include the voxels belonging to the amygdala
def get_amygdala_data(single):
_img_old = masking.unmask(single, old_mask)
_amy_arr = masking.apply_mask(_img_old, resampled_mask)
return _amy_arr
processed = Parallelize(pc_stack, get_amygdala_data, 100)
CPU times: user 863 ms, sys: 2.69 s, total: 3.56 s
Wall time: 18.3 s
#(1001, 39203)