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Raspberry PI TTN gateway

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Raspberry PI TTN gateway image based on Hypriot. This dockerfile is heavily influenced by the install script from The Things Network iC880a-based gateway.

Hardware Preperation

This image is made for and tested on a Raspberry Pi 3 together with a IMST-iC880 SPI LoRaWAN concentrator.

OS preparation

Here are the steps to get the host environment ready for this image:

  1. Download the latest HypriotOS from here:
  2. Install it on a SD card. Etcher is a easy-to-use tool for this:
    • Optional: place an empty ssh file in the root of the SD card to enable SSH access to the Pi
  3. Put the SD card into your Raspberry Pi and power it up
  4. Login with user pirate and password hypriot Note: default keyboard layout is QWERTY. If you are using a QWERTZ keyboard make sure you use the correct 'y' in the password
    • For SSH access: once the Pi has fully booted (the blinking LEDs have calmed down) it shows up with the default hostname black-pearl in your network.
  5. Run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install raspi-config kbd. During setup you can choose a different keyboard layout if you need
  6. Run sudo raspi-config to
    • Set correct timezone: 4 Localisation Options > I2 Change Timezones
    • Enable SPI interface: 5 Interfacing Options > P4 SPI > Yes
  7. Restart the Pi
  8. Find the Pi MAC address and generate gateway EUI (required in next step) by running cat /sys/class/net/eth0/address | awk -F\: '{print $1$2$3"fffe"$4$5$6}'. This turns the 48-bit MAC address into EUI-64, splits it in half and injects fffe (e.g. b827eb8684a2b827ebfffe8684a2).
  9. Run
    docker run -it --privileged --net=host --restart=always \
    -e PI_RESET_PIN=<optional-see-explanation-below> \
    -e TTN_GATEWAY_SERVER_URL=<optional-see-explanation-below> \
    -e GATEWAY_EUI=<EUI-identified-in-previous-step> \
    • PI_RESET_PIN may or may not be required depending on how the concentrator is connected to the Pi. The default reset pin configured by the start script is 25. Installations with simple backplanes such as the one from Gnz can go with the default value. More elaborate backplanes might rewire the reset pin. The one from CH2i for example uses 17. Hence, you would say docker run ... -e PI_RESET_PIN=17 ....
    • TTN_GATEWAY_SERVER_URL URL of the TTN API endpoint server to use, the default is Server address for other regions are listed here:

Running as a deamon

Item 9 above documents the Docker run command. If you would rather want to run the TTN container in daemon mode rather than interactive mode you would replace -dt with -it. This will put the Docker container process into the background and not block the CLI but you won't see the log output that normally spills to the console.

docker logs <container-id> could make that visible again if necessary. Or docker attach <container-id>. Or docker exec -i <container-id> /bin/bash and then poke around the container.

Building the image yourself

To build a (potentially customized) image yourself do as follows:

$ git clone
$ cd rpi-ttn-gateway
$ docker build -t <your-handle-here>/rpi-ttn-gateway .

<your-handle-here> can be anything that is uniquely you (e.g. name) but you might also use rpi-ttn-gateway w/o any "prefix".

Security considerations

Just a few obvious measures you can/should think about before you release your new gateway into the wild.

  • It does help if the gateway is connected to the internet through a private network that's hard to penerate.
  • Change the default password: connect to the Pi and run passwd to use a custom password.
  • Change the default hostname: edit /boot/device-init.yaml and modify the hostname attribute (source).