A Pokemon Go bot in C#
- PTC Login / Google
- Get Map Objects and Inventory
- Search for gyms/pokestops/spawns
- Farm pokestops
- Farm all pokemons in neighbourhood
- Evolve pokemons
- Transfer pokemons
- Auto Updates
Go to PokemonGo\RocketAPI\Console\App.config -> Edit the Settings you like -> Build and Run (CTRL+F5)
The most popular option is probably the duplicate type that removes all duplicates and leaves you one pokemon of each type with the highest CP.
- none - disables transferring
- cp - transfers all pokemon below the CP threshold in the app.config, EXCEPT for those types specified in program.cs in TransferAllWeakPokemon
- leaveStrongest - transfers all but the highest CP pokemon of each type SPECIFIED IN program.cs in TransferAllButStrongestUnwantedPokemon (those that aren't specified are untouched)
- duplicate - same as above but for all pokemon (no need to specify type)
- all - transfers all pokemon