A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications, heavily inspired by Angular.
This module contains integrated healthchecks for Nest.
integrates with a lot of cool technologies, such as typeorm
, grpc
, mongodb
, and many more!
In case you have missed a dependency, @nestjs/terminus
will throw an error and prompt you to install the required dependency.
So you will only install what is actually required!
npm install --save @nestjs/terminus
- Import the Terminus module
- Make sure the additionally needed modules are available to (e.g.
), in case you want to do Database Health Checks.
// app.module.ts
controllers: [HealthController],
// Make sure TypeOrmModule is available in the module context
TypeOrmModule.forRoot({ ... }),
export class HealthModule { }
- Setup your
which executes your Health Check.
// health.controller.ts
export class HealthController {
private health: HealthCheckService,
private db: TypeOrmHealthIndicator,
) {}
readiness() {
return this.health.check([
async () => this.db.pingCheck('database', { timeout: 300 }),
If everything is set up correctly, you can access the healthcheck on http://localhost:3000/health
"status": "ok",
"info": {
"database": {
"status": "up"
"details": {
"database": {
"status": "up"
For more information, see docs. You can find more samples in the samples/ folder of this repository.
In order to get started, first read through our Contributing guidelines.
Setup the development environment by following these instructions:
- Fork & Clone the repository
- Install the dependencies
pnpm i
pnpm dev
In order to test the library against a sample, simply go to a sample and run
pnpm start:dev
cd sample/000-dogs-app
pnpm start:dev
Once the library is rebuilt, the pnpm start:dev
within a sample
needs to be restarted in order to pick up the changes.
For unit testing run the following command:
pnpm test
For e2e testing, a Docker Compose stack is required. Make sure Docker is installed on your machine and run the following command.
docker compose up -d
pnpm test:e2e
Nest is an MIT-licensed open source project. It can grow thanks to the sponsors and support by the amazing backers. If you'd like to join them, please read more here.
- Author - Kamil Myśliwiec and Livio Brunner
- Website - https://nestjs.com
- Twitter - @nestframework
Nest is MIT licensed.