A simple INI file parser for C++
You need to download the oi_map library from the sumbodule folder
#include "ini.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
neo::ini<> ini; // neo::ini<> == sections and keys, neo::ini<false> == only keys
ini.parse_file("test.ini"); // istreams are also allowed
// ini works like a map of maps that keeps the insertion order,
// you can use arithmetic types (short, int, float, double, ...)
// and strings to write/read the values of each key
int val = ini["section 0"]["key 0"];
std::string str = ini["section 0]["key 1"];
ini["section 0"]["key 3"] = 123.45;
ini["section 0"]["key 4"] = "StringValue";
std::cout << ini.to_string() << std::endl;
ini.to_file("test_out.ini"); // ostreams are also allowed
return 0;