An expention of singleRcapture
package to handle fitted object from
other R packages with zero truncated regression capabilities (and in the
future the same for ratio regression models)
Utilizing additive models when effect is non linear:
#> Warning: package 'VGAM' was built under R version 4.3.1
#> Loading required package: stats4
#> Loading required package: splines
#> Loading required package: singleRcapture
#> Warning: package 'singleRcapture' was built under R version 4.3.3
x <- rnorm(n = 1000)
y <- rpois(n = 1000, lambda = exp(-1 + cos(x)))
data <- data.frame(y = y, x = x)
data <- data[data$y > 0, ]
additiveModel <- vgam(y ~ s(x, df = 3), data = data, family = pospoisson())
#> Call:
#> estimatePopsize.vgam(formula = additiveModel)
#> -----------------------
#> Population size estimation results:
#> Point estimate 998.9831
#> Observed proportion: 50.8% (N obs = 507)
#> Std. Error 55.37032
#> 95% CI for the population size:
#> lowerBound upperBound
#> normal 890.4593 1107.507
#> logNormal 901.8689 1119.982
#> 95% CI for the share of observed population:
#> lowerBound upperBound
#> normal 45.77849 56.93691
#> logNormal 45.26860 56.21660
#> -------------------------------
#> -- Summary of foreign object --
#> -------------------------------
#> Call:
#> vgam(formula = y ~ s(x, df = 3), family = pospoisson(), data = data)
#> Name of additive predictor: loglink(lambda)
#> Dispersion Parameter for pospoisson family: 1
#> Log-likelihood: -438.9821 on 503.424 degrees of freedom
#> Number of Fisher scoring iterations: 7
#> DF for Terms and Approximate Chi-squares for Nonparametric Effects
#> Df Npar Df Npar Chisq P(Chi)
#> (Intercept) 1
#> s(x, df = 3) 1 1.6 18.1147 6.0695e-05
We see that 1000
is well with confidence intervals and that estimates
for x
are approximately correct:
plotvgam(additiveModel, data)
We also allow bootstrap methods:
x <- rnorm(n = 1000)
y <- rpois(n = 1000, lambda = exp(-1 + x))
data <- data.frame(y = y, x = x)
data <- data[data$y > 0, ]
m1 <- vglm(y ~ x, data = data, family = pospoisson())
singleRm1 <- estimatePopsize(m1, popVar = "bootstrap")
#> Call:
#> estimatePopsize.vglm(formula = m1, popVar = "bootstrap")
#> -----------------------
#> Population size estimation results:
#> Point estimate 874.9754
#> Observed proportion: 40.7% (N obs = 356)
#> Boostrap sample skewness: 0.6059152
#> 0 skewness is expected for normally distributed variable
#> ---
#> Bootstrap Std. Error 97.00579
#> 95% CI for the population size:
#> lowerBound upperBound
#> 728.2672 1117.9471
#> 95% CI for the share of observed population:
#> lowerBound upperBound
#> 31.84408 48.88316
#> -------------------------------
#> -- Summary of foreign object --
#> -------------------------------
#> Call:
#> vglm(formula = y ~ x, family = pospoisson(), data = data)
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -0.82233 0.11079 -7.423 1.15e-13 ***
#> x 0.91564 0.06048 15.139 < 2e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Name of linear predictor: loglink(lambda)
#> Log-likelihood: -336.4192 on 354 degrees of freedom
#> Number of Fisher scoring iterations: 5
#> No Hauck-Donner effect found in any of the estimates
The plots
method that is available for native singleRcapture
are also (being) developed for singleRcaptureExtra
plot(singleRm1, plotType = "bootHist", ylim = c(0, 220))
Diagnostics from singleRcapture
are also available:
#> Warning in summary.singleRmargin(marginalFreqVglm(singleRm1)): The argument
#> dropl5 should be a 1 length character vector
#> Test for Goodness of fit of a regression model:
#> Test statistics df P(>X^2)
#> Chi-squared test 0.93 6 0.99
#> G-test -1.65 6 1.00
#> --------------------------------------------------------------
#> Cells with fitted frequencies of < 5 have been dropped
#> Names of cells used in calculating test(s) statistic: 1 2 3 4 5
Utilising popular countreg
package (compare with singleRcapture
#> Loading required package: MASS
#> Loading required package: Formula
#> Attaching package: 'countreg'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:singleRcapture':
#> ztpoisson
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:VGAM':
#> dzipois, pzipois, qzipois, rzipois
model <- zerotrunc(
formula = capture ~ gender + age + nation,
data = netherlandsimmigrant,
dist = "poisson"
# Print summary of foreign object (works for all methods)
summaryForeign = TRUE)
#> Call:
#> estimatePopsize.zerotrunc(formula = model)
#> -----------------------
#> Population size estimation results:
#> Point estimate 12690.36
#> Observed proportion: 14.8% (N obs = 1880)
#> Std. Error 2808.169
#> 95% CI for the population size:
#> lowerBound upperBound
#> normal 7186.451 18194.27
#> logNormal 8431.281 19718.33
#> 95% CI for the share of observed population:
#> lowerBound upperBound
#> normal 10.332923 26.16034
#> logNormal 9.534278 22.29792
#> -------------------------------
#> -- Summary of foreign object --
#> -------------------------------
#> Call:
#> zerotrunc(formula = capture ~ gender + age + nation, data = netherlandsimmigrant,
#> dist = "poisson")
#> Deviance residuals:
#> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#> -0.6992 -0.6992 -0.4244 -0.2971 4.2213
#> Coefficients (truncated poisson with log link):
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -1.3411 0.2149 -6.241 4.35e-10 ***
#> gendermale 0.3972 0.1630 2.436 0.014832 *
#> age>40yrs -0.9746 0.4082 -2.387 0.016971 *
#> nationAsia -1.0926 0.3016 -3.622 0.000292 ***
#> nationNorth Africa 0.1900 0.1940 0.979 0.327399
#> nationRest of Africa -0.9106 0.3008 -3.027 0.002468 **
#> nationSurinam -2.3364 1.0136 -2.305 0.021159 *
#> nationTurkey -1.6754 0.6028 -2.779 0.005445 **
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> Number of iterations in BFGS optimization: 30
#> Log-likelihood: -848.5 on 8 Df
model <- estimatePopsize(
formula = capture ~ gender + age + nation,
data = netherlandsimmigrant,
model = singleRcapture::ztpoisson
#> Call:
#> estimatePopsize.default(formula = capture ~ gender + age + nation,
#> data = netherlandsimmigrant, model = singleRcapture::ztpoisson)
#> Pearson Residuals:
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> -0.486442 -0.486442 -0.298080 0.002093 -0.209444 13.910844
#> Coefficients:
#> -----------------------
#> For linear predictors associated with: lambda
#> Estimate Std. Error z value P(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -1.3411 0.2149 -6.241 4.35e-10 ***
#> gendermale 0.3972 0.1630 2.436 0.014832 *
#> age>40yrs -0.9746 0.4082 -2.387 0.016972 *
#> nationAsia -1.0926 0.3016 -3.622 0.000292 ***
#> nationNorth Africa 0.1900 0.1940 0.979 0.327398
#> nationRest of Africa -0.9106 0.3008 -3.027 0.002468 **
#> nationSurinam -2.3364 1.0136 -2.305 0.021159 *
#> nationTurkey -1.6754 0.6028 -2.779 0.005445 **
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> AIC: 1712.901
#> BIC: 1757.213
#> Residual deviance: 1128.553
#> Log-likelihood: -848.4504 on 1872 Degrees of freedom
#> Number of iterations: 8
#> -----------------------
#> Population size estimation results:
#> Point estimate 12690.35
#> Observed proportion: 14.8% (N obs = 1880)
#> Std. Error 2808.169
#> 95% CI for the population size:
#> lowerBound upperBound
#> normal 7186.444 18194.26
#> logNormal 8431.275 19718.32
#> 95% CI for the share of observed population:
#> lowerBound upperBound
#> normal 10.332927 26.16037
#> logNormal 9.534281 22.29793
Work on this package is supported by the the National Science Center, OPUS 20 grant no. 2020/39/B/HS4/00941.