Repository for the paper "Quantile balancing inverse probability weighting for non-probability samples"
- Accepted to Survey Methodology journal (planned for December 2025).
- Arxiv version
- Latest version here.
R packages
install.packages(c("jointCalib", "sampling", "laeken", "survey", "data.table", "ggplot2")) ## statistical
install.packages(c("data.table", "ggplot2", "xtable", "stringi")) ## processing
install.packages(c("doSNOW", "progress", "foreach")) ## paralell computing
Codes were developed under the following R version
> sessionInfo()
R version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31)
Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Sonoma 14.3
Structure of the repo:
-- function with all estimators discussed in the papersim-code-run.R
-- script to run functionyang_sim()
and the main simulationsim-processing-results.qmd
-- notebook with codes processing results
-- figures for the plotresults/
-- simulation results in theRDS
-- pdf file with the paper and source files
Work on this paper was supported by the National Science Centre, OPUS 20 grant no. 2020/39/B/HS4/00941.