A collection of snippets for writing Dart. Start by reading about UltiSnips if you haven't used if before.
Some of the snippets that save the most typing.
Import line. im<tab>some_package
import 'package:some_package/some_package.dart';
For-in loop. for<tab>element
for(var element in elements) {
Try-catch. Most useful from visual mode with a block selected, fills the
selection in the try
, then tab to fill out the catch
Each of these triggers has 2 modes. At the beginning of the line they generate a top-level/instance method. After other characters they generate a closure.
m<tab>ReturnType<tab>methodName<tab>ArgType argument
becomesReturnType methodName(ArgType argument) { | }
After other characters:
becomes(argument) { | }
r<tab>ReturnType<tab>methodName<tab>ArgType argument
becomesReturnType methodName(ArgType argument) => |
After other characters:
becomes(argument) => |
Prepending either trigger with a
makes it use 'async mode'. For example, at
the beginning of a line:
ar<tab>ReturnType<tab>methodName<tab>ArgType argument
Future<ReturnType> methodName(ArgType argument) async => |
A @Component
annotation and class. Saves the most time if you follow a naming
convention: a class name SomeName
has a selector like some-name
, a template
at some_name.html
, and styles at some_name.css
or some_name.scss.css
Fills out a default name which works well if this component lives in a file
named some_name.dart
Install this repository and UltiSnips using your favorite method. If you used vim-plug:
Plug 'SirVer/Ultisnips'
Plug 'natebosch/dartlang-snippets'