Rename hindcast-config as $HOME/.hindcast and edit it to configure the database connection:
cp hindcast-config $HOME/.hindcast chmod u=rw,g=,o= $HOME/.hindcast vim $HOME/.hindcast
Create a user "hindcast_admin":
psql -U postgres -d template1 -c
"create role hindcast_admin with password '...password...' login inherit;"
First create a PostGIS database:
createdb -U postgres -O hindcast_admin hindcast
psql -U postgres -d hindcast -c
"create extension postgis;"
psql -U postgres -d hindcast -f postgis_owner.sql
Load the hindcast schema:
psql -U hindcast_admin -d hindcast -f hindcast.sql
Create a directory 'data' under this directory and copy the grid file there:
mkdir data cp /...path-to-grid-file.../fort.14 data/
Run the grid loading script:
Run the model data loading script:
python [variable] [year] [file_path]
E.g.: python tmm10 1999 /...path-to-file.../swan_TMM10.63