A Digital Garden generated with Astro. Allows editing on Obsidian and/or VSCode, sync with Git.
graph TD
A[Obsidian] -- "1️⃣ Sync notes" --> B[narze/second-brain]
B -- "2️⃣ Trigger Github Actions" --> C[narze/garden-astro]
C -- "3️⃣ Fetch & filter notes" --> B
C -- "4️⃣ Commit & Deploy" --> D[Vercel]
Write notes in Obsidian app
To publish note, these fields must be added in frontmatter
publish: true date: YYYY-MM-DD title: "Title" slug: "custom-slug" # Optional
Non-private notes will be synced to the GitHub repository narze/second-brain via the Obsidian Git plugin.
Upon update, the narze/second-brain repository will trigger another repository narze/garden-astro via GitHub Actions.
The narze/garden-astro repository will run another GitHub Actions workflow to fetch notes from narze/second-brain, filter only the notes marked to be published, post-process them, and then commit the changes.
Vercel then picks up committed changes and deploy to https://garden.narze.live
git clone https://github.com/narze/garden-astro
pnpm install
pnpm dev