Authors: Vincent Naayem, MT, VITA Lab, EPFL
Supervisors: Saeed Saadatnejad, Alireza Khodaverdian, Prof. Alexandre Massoud Alahi
For complete pdf report contact: [email protected]
Install everything:
- Poetry install, to install and resolve all dependencies in pyproject.toml
- pip install pandas
- pip install detectron2 -f
Manage datasets and paths:
- Full dataset: '/data/facades/dataset/dataset_complete/dataset/data_basel_images_pc/basel_dataset/Daten_segments1'
- Training and validation datasets : project_path/code/data
- Output datasets: 'project_path/data’
To run the code:
- python code/ --cfg experiments/experiment.yaml
To check that configurations runs without error:
- In experiment.yaml put all status to 0 and run code
To check that training runs correctly, in the configuration yaml modify accordingly:
- Training: Dataset_dir is the path to the folder containing all the folders of the datasets with their respective annotations.
- Training: TARGET_PATH is the path where any output will be saved: ‘project_path/output/OUTPUT_DIR/EXP_NAME/train’
- Training: CATALOG: name of the dataset to train with ‘building_train’ for ‘train’ folder or ‘building_totest’ for ‘totest’ folder.
To check that Validation runs correctly, in the configuration yaml modify accordingly:
- Validation: Dataset_dir is the path containing the validation dataset folder and its annotations. ‘project_path/code/data/val'
- Validation: TARGET_PATH is the path where any output will be saved: ‘project_path/output/OUTPUT_DIR/EXP_NAME/val’
- Validation: WEIGHTS: Where the wheights of a training we want to test lies. For example: ‘project_path/output/OUTPUT_DIR/EXP_NAME/train/model_final.pth’
DATASET_ROOT : '/data/facades/dataset/dataset_complete/dataset/data_basel_images_pc/basel_dataset/Daten_segments1' #For Full dataset
DATASET_PATH: 'project_path/data/AL_TEST' # Images to read For annotations
TARGET_PATH : 'project_path/data/AL_TEST' #For outputs, transfer, annotations
Active learning annotations resides target_path
Weights: same as valid
In Sampler: al_loop: please change from 'active-learning-loop-2' to ‘AL-test’ for example
If everything works fine self-annotated images to annotate resides in TARGET_PATH
: all the code used in this project
: introduction of dataset
: .yaml files with all configurations needed to run the code
: presentation and reports
: output directory for any outputs from the code
: code from previous project
Note: please download the zip files in the release section, unzip
and put this folder in code/data
; unzip
and put this folder in dataset/annotated_data
This project use deep learning model mask rcnn to detect the builidng instance, openings and building type.
This project is mainly divided into six tasks:
- Segments transfer
- Training
- Validation
- Inferences
- Active Learning
- Floor Detection
Aims at making detecton2 application more handy and clear.
It comprises of experiment description (.yaml dictionary files), starting point file (
) and the deep_vitabuild
directory. The latter includes:
: All functions needed for Floor Detectionsprocedures
: All functions needed for Training, Validation, Inference, Active Learningutils
: Additional utilities, e.g. visualization, detectron to via conversions etc..
To use Detectron2 please refer to documentations and tutorials online. To use Lightly platform please refer to documentations and tutorials online
To run the code:
python code/ --cfg experiments/experiment.yaml
Run the pyproject.toml
with poetry to install packages used in this project. Refer to poetry Python dependency management and packaging documentations and tutorials
You need to install the missing libraries with pip install. You can find the pip install command for detectron in Laxiang_old/
In yaml file this dictionnary is needed:
status : 0
segments_info_path : '/data/facades/dataset/dataset_complete/dataset/data_basel_images_pc/segments_info.csv' #help="csv file to show the relation between segments and streams"
streams_dir : '/data/facades/dataset/build_seg_annotation1' #help="orginal building images are grouped by streams"
segment_image_path : '/data/facades/dataset/annotated_data/basel_annotation1' #"Destination: copy to path only select the direction 1 and 4 from the panorama camera and grouped by segments"
id_segments : '14051, 14052, 14053, 14054, 14055, 14056, 14057, 14058, 14064, 14065, 14066, 14067, 14068, 14069, 14070, 14071, 14072, 16835, 16836, 16837, 16838, 16839, 16849, 16850, 16851, 16852, 16853, 16854, 16855, 16856, 16857, 16858, 16872, 16873, 16875, 16876, 16877, 16878, 16879, 16880, 16881, 16882, 16883, 16884, 16885, 16888, 16889, 16890, 16948, 16949, 19416' #help="segments' id for testing(delimited list input)"
The original building image dataset is saved in the streams. We only concern about the streams taken from the panorama camera direction 1 and direction 4 (left and right side). This code select the relevant images and saved by the segment id
In this repo, we provide many segmemnts for instruction. Segment 16878 and 16888 are extracted and saced in ./data/segments
Note: If you want to use
, please add relevant streams_dir from Basel dataset into .data/original_data
. For example, in order to create segment 16888, please add stream 82148 into .data/original_data
. This realtionship can be found from dataset/data_basel_images_pc/segments_info.csv
In yaml file this dictionnary is needed:
status : 0
DATASET_DIR : '/home/facades/projects/buildings_segmentation_detection/code/data' #Where the data for training lies
TARGET_PATH : '/home/facades/projects/buildings_segmentation_detection/output/week14/building_basel_annotation1/train' # Where to we save outputs
CATALOG : # Training folders selected, see how catalogs works
- "building_train"
- "building_basel_annotation1"
In yaml file this dictionnary is needed:
status : 0
DATASET_DIR : '/home/facades/projects/buildings_segmentation_detection/code/data/val' #Where the data for validation lies
TARGET_PATH : '/home/facades/projects/buildings_segmentation_detection/output/week14/building_basel_annotation1/val' # Where to we save outputs
CATALOG : # Validation folders selected, see how catalogs works
- "building_val"
WEIGHTS : '/home/facades/projects/buildings_segmentation_detection/output/week14/building_basel_annotation1/train/model_final.pth'
#For Train+val in one go use the output dir where the weights will located after training
In yaml file this dictionnary is needed:
status : 0
STRUCTURE : 'folder' #How to read the dataset. For now: full or folder (through folders and directly thrg items resp)
DATASET_PATH: '/home/facades/projects/buildings_segmentation_detection/code/data/vTestJson'
TARGET_PATH : '/home/facades/projects/buildings_segmentation_detection/output/inference_jsonTESTS/'
WEIGHTS : '/home/facades/projects/buildings_segmentation_detection/output/annotation1Plus/model_final.pth' #For Train+inf in one go use the output dir where the weights will located after training
In yaml file this dictionnary is needed:
status : 1
DATASET_ROOT : '/data/facades/dataset/dataset_complete/dataset/data_basel_images_pc/basel_dataset/Daten_segments1' #For Full dataset
DATASET_PATH: '/home/facades/projects/buildings_segmentation_detection/data/AL_TEST' # Images to read For annotations
TARGET_PATH : '/home/facades/projects/buildings_segmentation_detection/data/AL_TEST' #For outputs, transfer, annotations
WEIGHTS : '/home/facades/projects/buildings_segmentation_detection/output/week14/active-learning-loop-1/model_final.pth' #For Train+inf in one go use the output dir where the weights will located after training
rdp_epsilon: 20
al_loop: 'active-learning-loop-2' #name of tag in lightly
n_samples: 100
method: 'CORAL'
# If you want to train, validate.. and active learning in one go, weights, target_path and dataset_path must match
In yaml file this dictionnary is needed:
status : 0
data_path: '/home/facades/projects/buildings_segmentation_detection/code/data/train'
segment_image_path: '/home/facades/projects/buildings_segmentation_detection/code/data/totest'
id_segments: '20200224'
results_path: '/home/facades/projects/buildings_segmentation_detection/output/RAYMOND/FLOOR'
WEIGHTS : '/home/facades/projects/buildings_segmentation_detection/output/week14/active-learning-loop-1/model_final.pth' #For Train+inf in one go use the output dir where the weights will located after training