A light-weighted, client-sided framework to manage asynchronous calls in GWT.
In many cases it is neccessary to do several server calls, before a GWT application starts or a view can be displayed. SeMa4g will help you to get this calls managed.
The idea of SeMa4g is to use a callback proxy. The asyncronized server call will use the callback classes of SeMa4g. This allows SeMa4g to get informed if a server call has finished.
- init commands: commands, that will be executed on start
- final comands: a command, that will be executed after all calls have finished
- unlimited server calls
- commands can depend on other commands
(A comand will not start before the depending command has finished) - supports GWT RPC, GWT RequestBuilder and Resty-GWT
- supports synchronous code execution in a call chain
Configure the GWT project to inherit the SeMa4g module.
- Insert the SeMa4g module into the project's module descriptor
<!-- Other module inherits -->
<inherits name="de.gishmo.gwt.sema4g.SeMa4g"/>
- Depending on the type of server communication, add the corresponding SeMa4g Module:
<inherits name="de.gishmo.gwt.sema4g.rpc.SeMa4gRPC"/>
- GWT RequestBuilder:
<inherits name="de.gishmo.gwt.sema4g.requestbuilder.SeMa4gRequestBuilder"/>
- GWT Resty-GWT:
<inherits name="de.gishmo.gwt.sema4g.resty.SeMa4gResty"/>
To use SeMa4g it is neccessary to create a SeMa4g Builder, add all commands, build the context and call run.
Create a SeMa4g context:
SeMa4g.Builder sema4gContext = SeMa4g.builder();
Add a InitCommanmd
to the SeMa4g context:
sema4gContext.addInitCommand(new InitCommand() {
public void onStart() {
// Enter here your code, that
// should be executed when
// the context is started
It is possible to add more then one InitCommand
command to the SeMa4g context.
Add a FinalCommanmd
to the SeMa4g context:
sema4gContext.addFinalCommand(new FinalCommand() {
public void onSuccess() {
// Enter here the code, that will
// be executed in case the context
// ended without error
public void onFailure() {
// Enter here the code, that will
// be executed in case the context
// ended with an error
It is possible to add more then one FinalCommand
command to the SeMa4g context. At least you need to add one FinalCommand
Adding a command to the SeMa4g context is quite easy:
sema4gContext.add(new SyncCommand() {
public void execute() {
// Enter here the code, that will
// be executed, in case the SeMa4g
// context will execute the command.
SeMa4g knows two types of commands.
A SyncComannd is a command that contains code which will be executed synchronously. That means, SeMa4g will call the execute
-method of the command and execute the next command.
Do not implement server actions in this command!
private SeMa4gCommand createSyncCommand() {
return new SyncCommand() {
public void execute() {
// Enter here the code, that will
// be executed, in case the SeMa4g
// context will execute the command.
A AsyncCommand is a command that contains asynchronously executed code. In this case you have to use one of the SeMa4g callback classes. This callback classes will inform SeMa4g when a server call returns from the server.
private SeMa4gCommand createAsyncCommand() {
return new AsyncCommand() {
// create callback
MethodCallbackProxy<String> proxy = new MethodCallbackProxy<String>(this) {
protected void onProxyFailure(Method method,
Throwable caught) {
// Enter here the code, that will
// be executed in case of failure
protected void onProxySuccess(Method method,
String response) {
// Enter here the code, that will
// be executed in case of success
public void execute() {
// That's the place for the server call ...
greetingService.greet(name, proxy);
In case that one AsyncCommad ends in error, SeMa4g stops the excecution, waits for running commands and calls the onFailure
-method of the FinalCommand.
In case that all commands finished without errors the onSuccess
-method of the FinalCommand is called.
In case the SeMa4g context is started by calling the run
-method, the execute
-method of all commands will be called. In some cases it might be necessary that one command needs the response of another command. To handle such things, SeMa4g offers the possibility to add depending commands to a command.
If a command depends on another command (or maybe more than one command), the execution of this command will wait until all depending commands have been successfully finished.
// the execution of comand03 will stsrt, in case that command01 and command02
// successfully finished.
SeMa4gCommand command01 = createAsyncCommand01();
SeMa4gCommand command02 = createAsyncCommand02();
SeMa4gCommand command03 = createAsyncCommand03();
.add(command03.dependingOn(command01, command02);
To execute the context, you have to build the context by calling the build
-method and then call the run
-method to run the context.
Executing the context will:
- execute all InitCommands
- execute all commands
- execute all FinalCommands
That means:
- First all InitCommands will be executed.
- After all InitCommands are executed, all commands which have no dependencies to other commands will be started. When a preconditioned command has finish, the depending command will start (in case there is no other precondition command that has not finished yet). If a command ends in error, preconditioned commands which have not been started, will not be executed!
- After all commands have finished, all FinalCommands will be executed. If one or more commands ended in error, the onFailure-method will be executed. In case that no command ended in error, the onSuccess-method will be executed.
The order of executions of the InitCommands and FinalCommands is not defined!
SeMa4g offers two commands, that will interrupt the execution of a running SeMa4gContext.
Calling this method will stop the execution.
* SeMa4g will wait until all running commands has ended
* SeMa4g will not start any new command
* SeMa4g will call theonSuccess
-method of theFinalCommand
Calling this method will stop the execution.
* SeMa4g will wait until all running commands has ended
* SeMa4g will not start any new command
* SeMa4g will call theonFailure
-method of theFinalCommand
private void doServerCalls() {
// the execution of comand03 will stsrt, in case that command01 and command02
// successfully finished.
SeMa4gCommand command01 = createAsyncCommand01();
SeMa4gCommand command02 = createAsyncCommand02();
SeMa4gCommand command03 = createAsyncCommand03();
try {
.addInitCommand(new InitCommand() {
public void onStart() {
// Enter here your code, that
// should be executed when
// the context is started
.addFinalCommand(new FinalCommand() {
public void onSuccess() {
// Enter here the code, that will
// be executed in case the context
// ended without error
public void onFailure() {
// Enter here the code, that will
// be executed in case the context
// ended with an error
.add(command03.dependingOn(command01, command02)
} catch (SeMa4gException e) {
// Ups, something wrong with the context ...
private SeMa4gCommand createAsyncCommand01() {
return new AsyncCommand() {
// create callback
MethodCallbackProxy<String> proxy = new MethodCallbackProxy<String>(this) {
protected void onProxyFailure(Method method,
Throwable caught) {
// Enter here the code, that will
// be executed in case of failure
// ended with an error
protected void onProxySuccess(Method method,
String response) {
// Enter here the code, that will
// be executed in case of success
// ended without error
public void execute() {
// That's the place to do the server call ...
greetingService.greet(name, proxy);
private SeMa4gCommand createAsyncCommand02() {
return new AsyncCommand() {
// create callback
MethodCallbackProxy<String> proxy = new MethodCallbackProxy<String>(this) {
protected void onProxyFailure(Method method,
Throwable caught) {
// Enter here the code, that will
// be executed in case of failure
// ended with an error
protected void onProxySuccess(Method method,
String response) {
// Enter here the code, that will
// be executed in case of success
// ended without error
public void execute() {
// That's the place to do the server call ...
greetingService.greet(name, proxy);
private SeMa4gCommand createAsyncCommand02() {
return new AsyncCommand() {
// create callback
MethodCallbackProxy<String> proxy = new MethodCallbackProxy<String>(this) {
protected void onProxyFailure(Method method,
Throwable caught) {
// Enter here the code, that will
// be executed in case of failure
// ended with an error
protected void onProxySuccess(Method method,
String response) {
// Enter here the code, that will
// be executed in case of success
// ended without error
public void execute() {
// That's the place to do the server call ...
greetingService.greet(name, proxy);
Use the "Clone or download" button at the top right of this page to get the source. You can get a pre-built JAR (usable in JRE 1.7 or later) from Sonatype (in progress), download the jar form here , or add the following Maven Central dependency:
SeMa4g provides an example web application to show some common use cases.
To run the example use:
mvn install
from the pom to install SeMa4g in your local repository (as long as SeMa4g is not provided via Maven Central.)
To run the example web application, use
mvn gwt:devmode
from the pom inside the sema4g-example directory.
In case the web applicaiton is running, select a test and press the 'Run'-Button.
For all test cases:
- The InitCommand will open a popup.
- The FinalCommand will close the popup and show a JavaScript alert depending on the server responses. If at least one command ends in error, the context will also ends in error.
- The createAsyncCommand-method creates a server call. It has two parameters. The first parameter is the name of the command and the second parameter is the duration, the server will wait. This method will look different for your calls.
- The createAsyncFailureCommand-method has two parameters. The first parameter is the name of the command and the second parameter is the duration, the server will wait. This service will throw an exception on the server side.
- The createSyncCommand-method has two parameters. The first parameter is the name of the command and the second parameter is the duration, the client will wait. This service does not call the server!
A single service call with a InitCommand and a FinishCommand.
- service 'one': the waiting duration on the server is: 2500 ms.
The context will end successfully!
Several service calls with no dependencies and a InitCommand and a FinishCommand.
- service 'one': the waiting duration on the server is: 2500 ms.
- service 'two': the waiting duration on the server is: 125 ms.
- service 'three': the waiting duration on the server is: 1250 0ms.
- service 'four': the waiting duration on the server is: 8750 ms.
- service 'five': the waiting duration on the server is: 125 ms.
The context will successfully end!
Several service calls with a InitCommand and a FinishCommand and dependencies.
- service 'one': the waiting duration on the server is: 9250 ms. The service depends on the execution of service 'three' and 'ten'.
- service 'two': the waiting duration on the server is: 3255 ms.
- service 'three': the waiting duration on the server is: 125 ms. The service depends on the execution of service 'five'.
- service 'four': the waiting duration on the server is: 52000 ms. The service depends on the execution of service 'five'.
- service 'five': the waiting duration on the server is: 250 ms. The service depends on the execution of service 'eight' and 'nine'.
- service 'six': the waiting duration on the server is: 6000 ms.
- service 'seven': the waiting duration on the server is: 7250 ms.
- service 'eight': the waiting duration on the server is: 2400 ms.
- service 'nine': the waiting duration on the server is: 5100 ms.
- service 'ten': the waiting duration on the server is: 200 ms.
The context will end successfully.
Several service calls with different duration on the server. This test case chows the behaviour in case of a cycle dependencies. Exception expected. No service will be called.
A single service call (service no. 13) which will fail and throw an exception.
- service 'one': the waiting duration on the server is: 2500 ms.
The context will end in error because of a server exception!
Several service calls with a InitCommand and a FinishCommand and dependencies. One service (service no. 13) will fail and throw an exception.
- service 'one': the waiting duration on the server is: 9250 ms.
- service 'two': the waiting duration on the server is: 3255 ms. The service depends on the execution of service 'six'.
- service 'three': the waiting duration on the server is: 125 ms. The service depends on the execution of service 'five' and 'eight'.
- service 'four': the waiting duration on the server is: 52000 ms. The service depends on the execution of service 'two'.
- service 'five': the waiting duration on the server is: 250 ms.
- service 'six': the waiting duration on the server is: 6000 ms. The service depends on the execution of service 'eight', 'nine' and 'thirteen'. This command will not be executed due to an error in command 'thirteen'.
- service 'seven': the waiting duration on the server is: 7250 ms.
- service 'eight': the waiting duration on the server is: 2400 ms.
- service 'nine': the waiting duration on the server is: 5100 ms.
- service 'ten': the waiting duration on the server is: 200 ms.
- service 'thirteen': the waiting duration on the server is: 3000 ms. This service will fail on the server side. (throw an exception)
The context will end in error. Waiting commands, because of the dependencies to command 'thirteen', will not be started!
Several asynchronous and one synchronous service calls with a InitCommand and a FinishCommand and dependencies.
- service 'one': the waiting duration on the server is: 9250 ms.
- service 'two': the waiting duration on the server is: 12000 ms. This is a synchronous command
- service 'three': the waiting duration on the server is: 125 ms. The service depends on the execution of service 'two'.
The context will end successfully.
Copyright (c) 2015 - 2017 Frank Hossfeld
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0