This program is remodeled by moazzem (munnam77) forking 3d-pose-baseline.
Please check the above URL or for details of operation.
- Generates a 3D human model from the human skeleton detected by OpenPose.
- Output joint data when generating 3D human model - By reading joint data with 3d-pose-baseline-multi
- Analyze OpenPose data for multiple people.
- Try to analysis for only one person.
- Ver2.00 is now supports multiple people tracing. Please check FCRN-DepthPrediction for details.
Install the following in python3 series
- h5py
- tensorflow 1.0 or later
3D skeleton information is created based on Human3.6M.
Download the compressed file from below, decompress it, and place it under data
Since the original learning data hits the 260 character path limit of Windows, the path was simplified and regenerated.
Download the compressed file below, unzip it, and place it under experiments
Learning data zip (GoogleDrive)
- Analyze data with Openpose Simple Launch Batch
- Generate data by depth estimation and person index with Depth Estimation
- Run [OpenposeTo3D.bat] (OpenposeTo3D.bat)
- You will be asked
Directory path by INDEX
, so specify the full path ofPath by person index
in 2. -`{Video file name} json {Execution date and time} _index {Order from the left of the 0th floor}} -For multiple traces, separate execution is required - You will be asked if you want to
detailed log
. If you want to do so, enteryes
-If not specified orno
, normal log (each parameter file and 3D animated GIF) -In the case ofwarn
, 3D animation GIF is not generated. -Ifyes
, a detailed log is output, and a debug image is output in addition to the log message (slowly) - Start processing