CryFold is a software that automatically constructs full-atom 3D structural models of proteins based on cryo-EM density maps and sequence information.
It has two main stages: the first step predicts the Cα atom coordinates from the density map, and the second step builds the full-atom model by combining the sequence and density map information. Finally, the full-atom model will undergo a post-processing program to generate the final protein model. This post-processing program is modified from ModelAngelo.
For more details on CryFold, please refer to the manuscript.
CryFold requires at least 3GB of disk space for its own weight files plus the weight files of the ESM language model. It also requires at least 13GB of GPU memory.
Install CryFold
Step 1: Install Conda
It requires to use conda to manage the Python dependencies, which can be installed following
Step 2: Clone this repository
Now, you need to clone this Github repository with
git clone
Step 3: Check if the GPU is available
Ensure that the device you are currently running on has a GPU .it must be able to run the command:
nvcc -V
If you are in a cluster system, make sure that the node you are on has a GPU (this can be checked using the command 'nvcc -V'). If it does not have one, please first log into any compute node that has a GPU to execute the following commands.
Step 4: Install CryFold
Navigate to the CryFold installation directory and run the installation script:
cd CryFold
Once the installation script has finished running, you will have an CryFold execution environment. Finally, you can run the command
build -h
to check if the installation was successful.
First, use the command
build -h
to check some basic parameters of CryFold.
Additionally, since the first run requires downloading a 2GB ESM language model weight file, the waiting time is relatively long. However, this issue does not occur in subsequent runs. Below are a few simple examples to illustrate how to use CryFold.
Use a cryo-EM density map and a FASTA sequence
First, we need the density map and the fasta file:
wget -P ./example
wget -O ./example/rcsb_pdb_7XMV.fasta
cd ./example
gzip -d
Then, run CryFold:
conda activate CryFold
build -s rcsb_pdb_7XMV.fasta -v -o out
Extra use of mask map
let's assume we already have the density map and the fasta file. we also need to obtain the mask map:
cd ./example
Then, run CryFold:
build -s rcsb_pdb_7XMV.fasta -v -m -o use_mask
Use only cryo-EM density map without inputting sequences
If you have a protein sequence database for the species which covers all sequences of the density map, you can run the command as follows (Otherwise, do not specify the parameter -f, and it will only return the HMM profiles predicted by Cry-Net):
build -v map.mrc -o output -f sequence_database.fasta
The other way to use the sequence database is under the premise of input sequences (which can be any subset of the sequences covered by the density map):
build -s protein.fasta -v map.mrc -o output -f sequence_database.fasta
Both of the above applications can return a new file (output.fasta), which contains sequences found in the density map based on the sequence database.
Based on the premise of not knowing any specific sequences, this method can quickly obtain initial matching sequences from a protein database. Then, use output.fasta as the input for CryFold and run it iteratively until no new sequences are searched.
Specify GPU device and inference acceleration
If you want to specify the GPU number, you can set it using the parameter -d, for example, to specify GPU 3:
build -s protein.fasta -v map.mrc -o output_dir -d cuda:3
If you want to infer 900 residues at once (the default is 300), you can set it using the parameter -n:
build -s protein.fasta -v map.mrc -o output_dir -n 900
Su et al, Accurate de novo modeling of atomic structures from cryo-EM maps using an enhanced transformer, submitted, 2024.