The project is a backup of my i3
- nord color schema
- polybar module for Netease Cloud Music
- Polybar
- Picom
- Rofi
- Alacritty as default terminal
- Chrome
- PyCharm
- VSCode
- SogouPinyin from UKylin Community(fcitx-sogouimebs)
- Netease Cloud Music
- Clash For Linux
- Typora
- Google Sans and Source Han Sans CN as default Sans font
- Fantasque Sans Mono Nerd Font and Sarasa Mono SC as default Monospace font
- Fantasque Sans Mono, Sarasa Mono SC and Iosevka Nerd Font as Polybar font
- Nordic (contain both gtk theme and qt theme, use LXAppearance and Kvantum Manager to apply)
- Nord Skin for Chrome
- Nord Skin for PyCharm
- Nord Skin for VSCode
- $mod + up, down, left, right: Switch focus among windows in the same workspace
- $mod + Shift + up, down, left, right:
- $mod + r: Enter resize mode, use up, down, left, right to modify the size by 10px, Esc to exit
- $mod + left click: Move floating window
- $mod + right click: Resize floating window
xprop | grep "CLASS"
Network manager context menu create by rofi (base on connman ?)
Audio output device select (pulsectl(libpulse api for python) or dbus ?)
Fcitx config tool