yolov5 with ROS
OS | Ubuntu 18.04 |
CUDA | 10.2 |
Pytorch version | 1.8 |
ROS version | Melodic |
Language | Python3 |
Based on YOLOv5.
Locate weight files on weights folder, data.yaml files on data folder(maybe data.yaml file is not necessary).
Edit your detector.launch file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<arg name="weights_name" default="yolov5s_door.pt" />
<arg name="data_name" default="door_handle.yaml" />
<!-- Camera topic and weights, config arguments -->
<arg name="image_topic" default="/camera/color/image_raw" />
<arg name="weights" default="$(find yolov5_ros)/weights/$(arg weights_name)" />
<arg name="data" default="$(find yolov5_ros)/data/$(arg data_name)" />
<arg name="width" default="640" />
<arg name="height" default="480" />
<arg name="conf_thres" default="0.25" />
<!-- Node -->
<node name="detector" pkg="yolov5_ros" type="detect.py" output="screen" respawn="true">
<param name="image_topic" value="$(arg image_topic)" />
<param name="weights" value="$(arg weights)" />
<param name="data" value="$(arg data)" />
<param name="width" value="$(arg width)" />
<param name="height" value="$(arg height)" />
<param name="conf_thres" value="$(arg conf_thres)" />
Change arguments, "weights_name", "data_name" to yours. Also change "image_topic" too. Or you can just declare argument when you launch the launch file.
$ roslaunch yolov5_ros detector.launch weights_name:=${your weight file name} data_name:=${your yaml data file name} image_topic:=${image topic name}
- /detected_img
- /bounding_box_array
string Class
float64 probability
int64 xmin
int64 ymin
int64 xmax
int64 ymax
If you want to use tensorrt model, file name "~~.engine", you have to check tensorrt version. If tensorrt version is mismatched, would face serialization error like this.
Serialization (Serialization assertion safeVersionRead == safeSerializationVersion failed.Version tag does not match.
So, it is recommended that make your own tenorrt model at your PC, with following this doc.