Michael Sayers msayers1, Vanessa Melgar vmelgar9272, Linda Tran lindaqtran, Shina Adewumi fa-adewumi
- dot viewer ( such as https://products.groupdocs.app/viewer/dot which will process the wordledictionary to a 918 page document of the trie data structure.) or
- graphviz ( or other dot conversion tool) to convert dot to another image format ( sample command: dot -Tsvg graph_Visualization.dot -o graph_visualization.jpeg if using graphviz )
- Trie.cpp
- Trie.h
- Node.cpp
- Node.h
- main.cpp
- MobeyDick.txt
- scrabbleWords.txt
- visualizationWordList.txt
- wordledictionarylist.txt
- dictionary.txt
- acknowledgements.txt - source for the word lists.
- *.dot are the dot files representing the different word lists in our trie data structure.
- graph_visualization.jpeg - graph of the one list small enough to be converted to a jpeg.
- output.csv - the graph data for the time vs word list size graph.
- MapTrie folder contains the the class using the map data structure vice a vector.
Test all function: g++ -g -std=c++11 main.cpp trie.cpp node.cpp -o output && ./output
Create graph csv: g++ -g -std=c++11 main_graph.cpp trie.cpp node.cpp -o output && ./output
Use the Scrabble word implementation (will print out instructions, and prompt the user for input): g++ -g -std=c++11 main_scrabble.cpp trie.cpp node.cpp -o output && ./output
- main.cpp - main file, runs through all the functions
- main_graph.cpp - Generates a csv file which was used to create a graph of time vs word list size.
- main_scrabble.cpp - Runs the scrabble word checker algorithim.
- trie.cpp - trie class file
- node.cpp - node class file