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Quizbowl Score


A match scoring system based on Lancaster-Lebanon Quiz Bowl League format, but could probably be used for quite a bit more too.


scoring a match (dark mode) scoring a match (light mode)

presenting scores gradients are customized per team

configuring match settings (dark mode) configuring match settings (light mode)

configuring team settings (dark mode) configuring team settings (light mode)


This project uses the t3 stack: next.js, tailwindcss, prisma, and trpc (all with typescript of course).

  • Get started by cloning the repo
  • cd into it and run pnpm install, or the similar command of some other package manager
  • Create your .env file, and fill in the values following .env.example as an example. You'll need a google account and a postgresql server.
  • Run pnpm dev (or again a similar command for your package manager) to start the development server
  • Open localhost:3000
  • Get to work!

Adding a scoreboard ("present") layout

thank you for making things look nicer than i could ever make them :)
  • Create a folder in /src/pages/match/[id]/present. Create your index.tsx file based off an existing page.
  • Add your page to /src/utils/present-list.ts. The "slug" is the name of the folder you created.
  • Once you're done, take a screenshot and add it as /public/present-screenshots/[slug].png. Screenshots should be consistent! Please make sure it
    • Shows the entire screen
    • If the match title shows on the screen, it should be the same as the layout name
    • Team 1:
      • Called "Team 1"
      • Color 1: #2e393a
      • Color 2: #459587
    • Team 2:
      • Called "Team 2"
      • Color 1: #f8ba2d
      • Color 2: #e23a45
    • Each team should have a +5 +10 +15 and -5 event shown (total score of 25)
  • Create a PR and wait for me to merge!


a dumb little quizbowl scoring system





