Raspberry Pi port of SparkFun's Si4703 FM tuner chip Arduino library.
You have to install wiringPi first. SDA/SDIO and Reset from the breakout board should be wired to GPIO0 and GPIO23 respectively.
git clone https://github.com/cthoma/rpi-si4703.git
cd rpi-si4703/
gcc -o Radio example/Radio.cpp Si4703_Breakout.cpp -lwiringPi
sudo ./Radio
(Hint: If you're not from europe, you have to change the si4703_init() function accordingly)
Si4703_Breakout.cpp and Si4703_Breakout.h are open source so please feel free to do anything you want with it; you buy me a beer if you use this and we meet someday. (Beerware license)