Enlarge Pygame Screen in CARLA pygame.init()
#create game window SCREEN_WIDTH = 800 SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption("Main Menu")
#game variables game_paused = False menu_state = "main"
#define fonts font = pygame.font.SysFont("arialblack", 40)
#define colours TEXT_COL = (255, 255, 255)
#load button images resume_img = pygame.image.load("images/button_resume.png").convert_alpha() options_img = pygame.image.load("images/button_options.png").convert_alpha() quit_img = pygame.image.load("images/button_quit.png").convert_alpha() video_img = pygame.image.load('images/button_video.png').convert_alpha() audio_img = pygame.image.load('images/button_audio.png').convert_alpha() keys_img = pygame.image.load('images/button_keys.png').convert_alpha() back_img = pygame.image.load('images/button_back.png').convert_alpha()
#create button instances resume_button = button.Button(304, 125, resume_img, 1) options_button = button.Button(297, 250, options_img, 1) quit_button = button.Button(336, 375, quit_img, 1) video_button = button.Button(226, 75, video_img, 1) audio_button = button.Button(225, 200, audio_img, 1) keys_button = button.Button(246, 325, keys_img, 1) back_button = button.Button(332, 450, back_img, 1)
def draw_text(text, font, text_col, x, y): img = font.render(text, True, text_col) screen.blit(img, (x, y))
#game loop run = True while run:
screen.fill((52, 78, 91))
#check if game is paused if game_paused == True: #check menu state if menu_state == "main": #draw pause screen buttons if resume_button.draw(screen): game_paused = False if options_button.draw(screen): menu_state = "options" if quit_button.draw(screen): run = False #check if the options menu is open if menu_state == "options": #draw the different options buttons if video_button.draw(screen): print("Video Settings") if audio_button.draw(screen): print("Audio Settings") if keys_button.draw(screen): print("Change Key Bindings") if back_button.draw(screen): menu_state = "main" else: draw_text("Press SPACE to pause", font, TEXT_COL, 160, 250)
#event handler for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: game_paused = True if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False