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Model Training on Huawei's Ascend Environment

In this blog we discuss about training deep learning models on Huawei's Ascend environment using Ascend 910 processor. We tried to experiment with various hyperparameters and demonstrate better training performance and loss convergence. For better understanding the environment, we selected to train the AlexNet model for image classification task.

Introduction to AlexNet Training

AlexNet is a classic image classification network that won the 2012 ImageNet competition. It is the first CNN that successfully applies tricks such as ReLU, Dropout, and LRN, and uses GPUs to accelerate computation. The AlexNet used is based on Tensorflow.


Implementation :

Default Configuration for Training

This model uses the Momentum optimizer from Tensorflow with the following default configurations and hyperparameters:
Hyperparameters Value
Momentum 0.9
Learning rate (LR) 0.06
LR schedule cosine annealing
Batch size  128*8 for 8 NPUs, 256 for single NPU
Weight decay  0.0001
Label smoothing 0.1

Below are brief descriptions of each hyperparameter:

  • Momentum : helps accelerate gradient descent in the relevant direction by dampening oscillator, thus leading to faster convergence.
  • Learning Rate : float value that determines the step size of gradient descent when optimizing toward the optimal.
  • LR schedule : adjusts the learning rate during optimizing.

Training dataset preprocessing

The input image size for this model is 224 x 224 and are preprocessed before sending them to the model for training. The image preprocessing steps include (but are not limited to):
  • Random crop
  • Horizontal flip
  • Normalization


We implemented the following parameter changes to give our observations on changes in batch time, loss convergence and training time:

parallel execution

Parallel Execution

intra_op_parallelism_threads & inter_op_parallelism_threads ( Used by tensorflow to parallelise execution.

  • If there is an operation that can be parallelized internally, such as matrix multiplication (tf.matmul()), TensorFlow will execute it by scheduling tasks in a thread pool with intra_op_parallelism_threads threads.

  • Operations can be independent in your TF graph because there is no directed path between them in the dataflow graph. TensorFlow will attempt to run them concurrently, using a thread pool with inter_op_parallelism_threads threads.

Default values for both are 0 i.e. the system picks the appropriate number. We experimented by manually setting intra_op_parallelism_threads = 2 and inter_op_parallelism_threads= 5.


Threads Batch Time Epochs
intra_op_parallelism_threads= 0 inter_op_parallelism_threads= 0 ~5.3s 5
intra_op_parallelism_threads =2 inter_op_parallelism_threads = 5 ~5.7s 5

Device Allocation

allow_soft_placement ( If this option is enabled (=True), the operation will be be placed on CPU if there:

  • No GPU devices are registered or known

  • No GPU implementation for the operation

This parameter only works when tensorflow is not GPU compiled. Since our tensorflow supports GPU, the value of allow_soft_placement (True or False) does not make a difference. This applies even if the device is set as CPU. Therefore, we observe no major difference in batch time.


allow_soft_placement Batch Time
True ~5.4s
False ~5.5s

Accelerated Linear Algebra

XLA (Accelerated Linear Algebra): When a TensorFlow program is run, all of the operations are executed individually by the TensorFlow executor. Each TensorFlow operation has a precompiled GPU kernel implementation that the executor dispatches to. XLA provides an alternative mode of running models. Lets look at the following how XLA optimizing following TF computation:

def model_fn(x, y, z):
   return tf.reduce_sum(x + y * z) 

Without XLA, the graph launches three kernels: one for the multiplication, one for the addition and one for the reduction. However, XLA can optimize the graph so that it computes the result in a single kernel launch. It does this by "fusing" the addition, multiplication and reduction into a single GPU kernel.

The fused operation does not write out the intermediate values produced by y*z and x+y*z to memory; instead it "streams" the results of these intermediate computations directly to their users while keeping them entirely in GPU registers. Fusion is XLA's single most important optimization and remvoing memory utilization is one of the best ways to improve performance.


As part of the experiment, we observed XLA is activated with GPU version of AlexNet training. We tried activating the same for NPU trainig as well.

Changes were made in and also set the environemnt variable to XLA_FLAGS=--xla_hlo_profile. The outcome shows that XLA is not supported for NPU based training interface.

Precision Mode

precision_mode ( Mixed precision is the combined use of the float16 and float32 data types in training deep neural networks, which reduces memory usage and access frequency. Mixed precision training makes it easier to deploy larger networks without compromising the network accuracy with float32.

  • allow_mix_precision: Mixed precision is allowed. For operators of the float32 data type on a network, the precision of some float32 operators can be automatically reduced to float16 based on the built-in optimization policy. In this way, the system performance is improved and the memory usage is reduced with little accuracy loss. Note that the Ascend AI Processor supports only float32 to float16 casting. It is recommended that Loss Scaling be enabled after mixed precision is enabled to compensate for the accuracy loss caused by precision reductionMixed precision is allowed to improve system performance and reduce memory usage with little accuracy loss.
  • must_keep_origin_dtype: Retains original precision.
  • allow_fp32_to_fp16: The original precision is preferentially retained. If an operator does not support the float32 data type, the float16 precision is used.
  • force_fp16: If an operator supports both float16 and float32 data types, float16 is forcibly selected.

Results: The following table compares the loss, accuracy and batch time obtained by using the four precision mode with the baseline. We see that setting allow_mix_precision=True yields the best performace in this experiment setting.

precision_mode Loss/Accuracy Batch Time
allow_mix_precision = Baseline ~50ms
must_keep_origin_dtype N/A NA
allow_fp32_to_fp16 = Baseline ~170ms
force_fp16 < Baseline ~50ms

The figure below shows the Top1 accuracy curve under different precision mode:

alt text   Blue: allow_fp32_to_fp16; Green: allow_mix_precision ; Purple: force_fp16

Note, using ‘must_keep_origin_dtype’ results in Error:

alt text

AllReduce Gradient

hcom_parallel (

Firstly, let's understand importance of AllReduce algorithm in deep learning:

Whether to enable the AllReduce gradient update and forward and backward parallel execution.

  • True: enabled

  • False (default): disabled


Tested on one NPU, no difference in either loss or batch time. We assume if multiple NPUs were available for distributed training, AllReduce parameter could make improvements in training time.

Iterations per loop

Iteration_per_loop ( It is the number of iterations per training loop performed on the device side per call. Training is performed according to the specified number of iterations per loop (iterations_per_loop) on the device side and then the result is returned to the host. This parameter can save unnecessary interactions between the host and device and reduce the training time consumption.

iterations_per_loop Result – loss/accuracy Result – Time(100 batches)
100 No change ~5.1s
1 No change ~5.4s

Offload Data Preprocessing

enable_data_pre_proc ( Whether to offload the data preprocessing workload to the device side.

• True (default): enabled

• False: disabled


alt text

Purple: enable_data_pre_proc (True) ; Grey: enable_data_pre_proc (False)

enable_data_pre_proc Result – Batch Time
True ~50ms
False ~20ms

Based on our observation when ‘enable_data_pre_proc’ is disabled, it does reduce the training time. However the loss does not converge, hence it may not be useful.


dropout ( :

Replace dropout in the original network with the corresponding AscendCL API


alt text

Type Loss/Accuracy Batch Time
npu_ops.dropout() No change ~51ms
tf.nn.dropout() No change ~55ms


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