MongoDB Ruby Driver v1.11.0
This release has the following bug fixes:
- Recursive locking when auth fails (RUBY-788)
and the following new features/changes:
- Kerberos authentication support on MRI (RUBY-530)
- Update to DB#add_user to work around narrowed localhost exception in MongoDB version >= 2.7.0 (RUBY-782)
- Update to test suite to work around narrowed localhost exception in MongoDB version >= 2.7.0 (RUBY-781, RUBY-798)
- Deprecate dropDups support in Collection#ensure_index, Collection#create_index (RUBY-799)
- Support query hints with count (RUBY-790)
- "How to Ask for Help" section added to Readme (RUBY-796)
- Resolve C90 compile warnings in cbson.c