MY GPT is a cutting-edge web application modeled after OpenAI's Generative Pre-training Transformer (GPT) API. Built with React.js and Django, it offers a highly interactive and engaging chatbot experience.
Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:
git clone
cd myGPT
Install the required dependencies:
- client side:
cd /client
npm install
- for the server side, create your own python virtual environment and then:
cd /server
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
To start the development server:
# Navigate back to client directory
npm run dev
Run Django migrations (ensure you have Django installed):
# Navigate back to server directory
python migrate
To start the Django server:
python runserver
Frontend dependencies:
- React.js and React DOM: JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces.
- Chakra-ui: A simple, modular and accessible component library for UIs.
- framer-motion: A production-ready motion library for React.
- axios: Promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js.
Backend dependencies:
- Django and djangorestframework: High-level Python Web framework and powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs.
- django-cors-headers: A Django App that adds Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers to responses.
- aiohttp: Asynchronous HTTP client/server for asyncio and Python.
- awscli and boto3: Universal Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services and the AWS SDK for Python.
- openai: The official OpenAI client library for Python. and more...