Affoodable is a platform for restaurants to advertise and sell their remaining meals before closing time at a discounted rate. In this way, restaurants can minimize food waste while still being able to increase revenue, and customers can benefit from food discounts.
This is a mobile app that was created using React Native. So far we have only been testing the app on iOS devices.npm
- Mohammed (Momo) Hossain
- Abraham Lara
- Angella Qian
- Daniel Zarco
- Simon Yang
- Vincent Pietropaolo
- Dennis Woo (Honorable mention)
Create a Google API key.
- Make sure you add a billing account, otherwise you can only make up to 5 API request per day. It is pretty cheap, you get 300 dollars for free with the trial and it costs 4 dollars for every 1000 API requests you make on the Atmosphere category (The most expensive category for the Place Search endpoint).
- Make sure you enable the
Places API
and theMaps SDK for iOS
on the API key you create.
Go into the root directory of the repository and create a file called
. -
Copy and paste the following to the file:
module.exports = "YOUR_API_KEY";
Whilst replacing YOUR_API_KEY with your Google API Key. Do not add any other characters.
node backend/nodejs/PlaceDetails.js
should return details for 60 Binney St.
Install dependencies:
yarn install
ornpm install
Link react-navigatoon:
react-native link react-native-gesture-handler
Install pods:
cd ios/ pod install
Using Xcode open affoodable.xcproj located in the ios/ folder:
- Open AppDelegate.m: affoodable/affoodable/AppDelegate.m
- Replace YOUR_KEY_HERE_REMOVE_WHEN_PUSHING with your google maps API Key
- Run app:
react-native run-ios
The backend must be running in order for requests to work. You can start the backend by running the following commands:
cd backend/nodejs
node server.js
From there, you can make a request in the frontend using axios in the following format:
axios._method_("http://localhost:8000/_field_/_query_", _optional_input_)
Variables with _underscores_ need to be replaced with different things depending on what you are trying to do:
: A standard HTTP request type, ie get
or post
: One of our database model, ie customers
, restaurants
, accounts
, or deals
: A route for one of the fields. Available routes can be found in the Affoodable/backend/nodjs/routes
: A json style object for setting properties of an object, only used in post requests
Retrieve active deals for a restaurant with the placeId 12345.
Retrieve all deals (both active and inactive) for a restaurant with the placeId 12345.
Create a new restaurant with an accountId of 'abc123' and a placeId of 'def456."http://localhost:8000/restaurants/new", {accountId:'abc123', placeId:'def456'})