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Koslicki lab page documentation v1.00




  1. Basic
  2. Operations
    1. update your personal file
    2. add a publication
    3. local preview of the lab page
    4. navigation of editable files
  3. Structure of the page
  4. Some cool tricks
    1. github action: workflow
  5. Acknowledgement


Our lab page was built from Github Page with Jekyll. Github Page grants you the feasibility to create and host a website directly from a Github repository while Jekyll is a "translator" to transform your plain text into static website. Based on these, we took advantage of a lab-website template developed by the Greene lab as well as the Mangul lab page that was originated from the template to customize our own lab pages.

The source code of our lab page is hosted in the lab's Github account. Everyone in the organization can access and edit the contents in the repository to reshape the webpage. Please feel free to play with it : )


Stepwise guide for "how to update the website"

1. Update your personal file

It's recommended to maintain a local copy of the repo so the steps below are much easier to do.

  • go to the local repo folder
  • add your image (e.g. peter.png) to images/team folder (all format works, jpeg, jpg, png, pdf, etc.)
  • go to _members folder, a simple way is to copy a current file as a template, for example you can do
  • then open and change the information inside to yours
  • finally, you can commit your edits and push to the repo
2. add a publication

It's recommended to maintain a local copy of the repo so the steps below are much easier to do.

  • go to the local repo folder

  • open _data/research-input.yml file (this is the YAML file input for the autocite robot)

  • Note before editing the yamal file:

    • the update of publication page takes 2~3mins after your commit as it's done by Github action automatically
    • records are manually added in this manner: Arxiv - 2022 - 2021- 2020 -......
  • follow the YAML format (key:value pair) to add your paper

    • id: recommend DOI

    • image: an illustrative figure (whether local or from the web)

    • tag: arbitrary key words

    • repo: optional, this is where the bot obtain key words

    • description: a few sentences to be shown for the paper

    • extra-links: this is where you put various links such as github

    • Specifically, you can add some details linked to the "Highlight" icon under each publication record. To do so, create a markdown file in the "publications/paper_intro" folder, and add links in the "extra-links" session. For example:

      # you create a file here: publications/paper_intro/
      # then you add this to the research-input.yml file
      - id: xxx
        image: xxx
        tags: xxx
        descriptions: xxx
          - type: data
            link: paper_intro/foo   # don't need ".md" suffix
            text: Highlights
3. local preview

This is a guideline for those who wants to reshape the website at structure-level. I'd recommend try local viewing if you want to build your personal website too.

Skills you'll need:

Follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the repo to your local machine
  2. Install Ruby and Jekyll, check here for guidance
  3. Go to the repo folder, run the following code:
bundle exec jekyll serve
  1. Then you can view the website at
    • Every change in files will immediately apply to your local view (unless you change the _config file)
    • Very handy way when you are building/editing the webpage
4. navigation of editble files

This is a guideline for the files that are corresponding to each specific part of the website.

Section file note
Header row _includes/header.html
Research Page _data/research.yml
Publications Page _data/research-input.yml "research-output.yml" is automatically generated
Paper summary Page publications/paper_intro/ add markdown file inside the folder
Software Page _data/resources.yml
Team Page _members/ add markdown file inside the folder
Media Page _data/resources.yml
Opportunities Page oppurtunities/ no extra source file
Icon setting _includes/paper-link.html

Structure of the page

  • Research: description of ongoing researches
  • Publication: list of papers
  • Software: list of developed softwares, useful links, other lab-related resources
  • Team: members
  • Media: teaching, outreach, news
  • Opportunity: openings and fundings

Useful tricks

Some fancy functions that I found very helpful.

Github action: workflow

This is how the autocite works:

  1. "manubot" is a Python API to pull publication information based on IDs (e.g. DOI) provided in our "research-input.yml" file
  2. The file is a Python wrapper to call "manubot" to generate a YAML file that fits our lab pages
  3. Here is the trick: everytime the "research-input.yml" (in master branch) is edited remotely, the Github workflow will be triggered to call the Python wrapper in step2 to update the YAML file. So we only need to maintain the "research-input.yml" file.
  4. Google for more details


  1. This Github Page was generated from lab-website-template by the Greenelab.
  2. Some improvements for the template above were cloned from the Mangul Lab.


No releases published


No packages published


  • HTML 47.4%
  • SCSS 32.4%
  • JavaScript 12.5%
  • Python 5.5%
  • CSS 1.5%
  • Ruby 0.7%